"Girl yesss he is fine asf you got you a good one." She shooked her head up and down. "I'm nervous though yall know I never been on a date." She put her head in her hands.

"Girl it's ok you fine asf you ain't got shit to worry about." Brook said and Chy nodded agreeing. She lifted her head and smiled a little.

"He's nice asf too I've been around him when I was with Brook and Tre you good girl." Chy reassured her and it made her feel a little better.

"Thank y'all but I have to start getting ready he's coming at six and it's already five." She picked her phone up. "Alright tell us how it go when you get back." Chy said and brook nodded.

They said their goodbyes and they ended the call. She texted him her address before she started to get ready.


She got out the shower and  wrapped her towel around her body she brushed her teeth and did her skin care routine. After she did that she put coco butter on her whole body.

She went to her closet and grabbing her black LV satin dress and she picked her pink heels and purse. She sat her outfit on her bed as she put her underwear and bra on.

She finally got dressed and she sat at her vanity taking her bonnet off. She got her hair done yesterday so all she needed to do was her edges.

Her phone started ringing she seen it was jay so she answered it. "I'm outside." He said and his deep voice gave Kayla butterflies. "O-oh okay." She stuttered making him chuckle and immediately hanging up.

She grabbed her purse and put her phone in it and made her way downstairs her parents were on vacation so she also got her key and locked the door on her way out.

As she was walking to the car her anxiety started kicking in and she was really nervous. "Wassup ma." Jay said as she got in the car.

"Hey." She said low as she gave him a awkward smile. He notice she seemed a little tense. "You okay?" He asked lighting his blunt. "Yeah just nervous." She laughed a little.

He tapped her shoulder with the back of his hand giving her the blunt. She look it and hit it two times and she started coughing. He looked at her with low eyes and licked his lips.

"That's that gas." He said pulling out of her driveway. Lil durk played low in the car as they sat in comfortable silence. Since she smoked the blunt with him she calmed down a little.

They finally arrived at the restaurant he took her to a fancy expensive place. He quickly hopped out the car and opening the door for her.

She looked at him and smiled. "Thank you." She got out the car. As they were walking she tapped him on his arm. "Can you take a picture of me?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said with a smirk. She gave him her phone and she stated to pose. "Fine ass." He says biting his lip making her smile.

"Thank you." She smiled as he gave her the phone back. They walked in and the white lady up front seated them at a booth.

"Hi my name is Hailey and I'll be taking care of you guys tonight what can I get started for ya?" The waitress said "umm lemme get a sprite." Jaylen said. "And can I get a dr.pepper." Kayla said making him mug her.

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