Chapter One: Love you too

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Josh's POV

At first when I had mentioned the idea about a camping trip to Harry, I thought it would be a complete flop. I guess even now I find it hard that Harry loves me as much as I love him and that the exprience being trapped together was just a thing off.I know I should know better but sometimes you can't help but feel that way.

I climb up the ladder towards the loft. My grandad and I haven't been away in at least a couple years, I mean we have had day trips out but never actually gone away so all the suitcases are up in the loft. My grandad is too old to be doing all this, so I have to rely on myself to do it and since I was the one to say about going away for a camping trip, its my fault I have to do this anyway.

I reach the top and climbed into the loft finding the light that is fitted up here and turning it on. I look around and sigh. There is so much crap up here, it could take me all afternoon. Lucky my grandad is out at bingo and Harry is busy recording with the rest of One Direction so I have plenty of time to kill. If I get this done too quickly I'll be born the rest of the afternoon anyway.

I walked slowly over to the far end as I swear that looks like a suitcase. Suddenly I just about heard the front door and I slipped and smacked my head against the pole lying on the floor. "Shit," I say out loudly as I felt hot sticky liquid run down my face. I get up slowly but I fall back to floor feeling dizzy. I sigh as I cruel back towards the ladder and climb down it just about. I rushed down the stairs not feeling as dizzy and yank open the door without even looking through the keyhole to see who it is.

"Josh," I heard a sharp voice. I sigh, oh shit its my social worker.

Ever since I've lived with my grandad I've had a social worker. Since my grandad is old, they fear he is not suitable to look after me. I'm nearly eighteen years old, I don't need anyone to look after me properly. Besides once I leave sixform I can live with my grandad fully well with out my social worker being a complete idiot. She will still check up on me and all that. Its what happens when you are put into foster care or when your family is unstable.

"I was just in the loft," I whisper.

"I'm not sure you should be up there on your own. Where is your grandad?" she asks.

"At Bingo but you already know that. What do you want?" I ask as I go into the kitchen and put a cloth on my head.

"I came to check how everything is going after what happened a couple months ago it can still affect you now," she says.

"I'm dating, Harry from One Direction and I love my grandad. There is nothing more too it. My life is good now, thats all in the past. It won't happen again, so please get off my back," I tell her.

"You should at least get that checked out. I'll take you to the hospital," she says.

"Fine," I whisper not in the mood to argue. I'll have to find the suitcases later now.

Kurt's POV

"I'm so looking forward to this camping trip," smiled Niall as I watch him packing his bag.

"So am I. It just be good to get away from all that stress for a while," I smiled.

"How the job hunt going?" Niall asked me.

"Not good, I'm sorry for being such a pain," I tell him.

"Your not, I actually want you to live with me," Niall said.

"I can't do that tho," I began.

"I'm making an offer. I want to get a bigger place and I want you to move in with me permanently. Even if I have to go to America you can either come with me or you can stay in the place in London and we can skypee and you won't have to worry about bills or anything. I'll pay our way, I mean I have enough to do that. I want to be with you and you being beside me during everything would be amazing. I don't see my future without you, Kurt," says Niall.

"I don't know," I began again.

"Don't give me an answer yet, think about it and come back to me ok," he smiles.

"Ok I will. Want any help?" I ask.

"Of course, then we can do yours," beams Niall. I smile at him to agree.

Connor's POV

I sat on the bench outside in the playground. Ever since I got back to school after what happened I haven't seen one sign of Adam or his mates who made me bunk school and steal. All that never came up when my mother knew I was ok. I think she was just happy I was alive and well.

My family are happy as well because they know I have a boyfriend now and they accepted me pretty much straight away. My family is open to that I guess. Even my brother Dylan doesn't seem to be that bothered by it which shocked me the most.

My mobile rang in my pocket. I picked it up and Zayn answered. "Hey how is school going?" he asked.

"Its going ok, how is the recording going?" I ask.

"It's alright, probably have to continue tomorrow so we probably can't do anything but we got that camping trip coming up so we can catch up then anyway," said Zayn.

"Yeah I can't wait. I've started to pack," I laugh.

"Same here, I'm excited. Well I'm glad you are ok but got to get back now. I'll either ring or text you later, love you," Zayn says.

"Love you too," I say before we hung up. As I got to my feet about to go back into school that is when I spot Adam out the corner of my eye. He was looking directly at me, I take a deep breath in and walk into the building. What is he doing here?

Unknown POV

"I'm not so sure we should do that," he whispered.

"Why not? I mean they are involved as much as the rest of them," I tell him.

"That is very true but still, I'm not sure about that yet."

"When will you be sure?"

"I'll tell you soon enough."


Hey :)

Here is the first chapter. Sorry about it being so short. Hopefully once it sets into gear I'll make them longer chapters. Let me know what you think. All your comments mean a lot to me!


Trapped 2: Truth Unmasked (Sequel to Trapped One Direction Fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora