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Autumn sat beside Mark as all the attending's were in a meeting. "Almost all of the surgeons in your program have been cleared to operate. The remaining cases will be referred to Dr. Wyatt, and she'll clear those people when she feels they're ready." Andrew tells them as they nod.

"What about Cristina Yang? What's the timeline there?" Derek asks as Autumn looks him also wondering about her student who had freaked out in their surgery two weeks ago.

"Dr. Perkins felt that we should assign Dr. Yang to something low-stress for a few months ... research, admin duties." Richard tells him as Autumn shook her head along with Derek.

"Administration? That's the best you can do? Put her on my service." Derek tells them.

"She's not on anyone's service, Derek. She'll be in the hospital, she just won't go near a surgery." Richard tells him.

"Well, you do that, and she'll leave. She will not come back to this program. Put her on my service." Derek tells them.

"I already tried it, Shepherd." Owen tells them as autumn looks at them.

"Well, Hunt's right. She's not ready. She wasn't ready before." Richard tells them.

"Maybe now she is. I think we should give him a shot. Well, especially if nothing else is working." Autumn tells them as she looks at the other attending's.

"She crawled under a table in the O.R. two weeks ago." Owen tells her.

"Thank you." Richard says to him as Autumn shook her head.

"Cristina Yang has an extraordinary talent. She's not meant for administrative work. We all face set backs this is hers but she'll come back stronger and a better surgeon." Autumn says to them.

"She goes, I go." Derek says to them.

"That's insane." Richard said to him.

"If she goes, I go." Derek tell them again.
Autumn had just finished with one of her patients as she walked out as she walked into someone as she dropped her file.

She picked up her file as she looked up as she saw Amelia Shepherd as a smile grew on both of their faces.

"Autumn Montgomery is that you?" Amelia asks her as she smiles at her as she stood back up.

"Hey Amelia what are you doing here?" Autumn asks as Amelia looks at her.

"Just stopping by to see Derek since he won't return any of my calls or text. Is he always this much of a pain in the ass at work?" Amelia asks as Autumn laughs at her remark.

"No he's usually alright. Why is he still being hard on you?" Autumn asks her as Amelia looks down beside she smiles and looks at her friend.

"In Dereks eye if you make a mistake you don't get another chance he thinks he's perfect and if your not then you aren't worth his time." Amelia says as autumn hugs her.

"I'm sure that's not true he's been through a lot the past few months everyone here has. The shooting changed a lot for everyone." Autumn tells her as Amelia nods.

"Or maybe it's just Derek. Anyway enough on him what about you? It's been 3 or 4 years since I last saw you. According to Addie you have a baby with Mark Sloan and she seems to think your in love with him." Amelia tells her as Autumn rolls her eyes.

"Well she isn't much of a baby anymore she's just started at pre school actually as you know. But yeah marks great with her. As for Addie I think she's over exaggerated" Autumn tells Amelia as she smiles at her.

"Hmm I think Addie maybe right you do have a thing for Mark. You can stop smiling about him." Amelia says as autumn rolls her eyes.

"I just got out of a relationship with a cheating scum bag who got another woman pregnant so I'm not really looking to be with mark sloan." Autumn tells her as her pager goes off as she goes to check on her patient.
Autumn was staring into space as Arizona was trying to speak to her. "Seriously Autumn what's going on with you?" Arizona says as Autumn looks up at her.

"My ex boyfriend cheated on me and I'm not bothered because I'm in love with my child's father and I keep denying but I can't because he's all I can think about. I nearly got shot he saved me and it those last moment he was all I could think about." Autumn says as Arizona looks at her with a smile on her face.

"Your in love with Mark well it's about time you admitted it." Arizona says as autumn looks at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Autumn says as Arizona chuckles slightly.

"You've been in love with mark for ages and you just didn't realise or didn't want to realise and I'm pretty sure he's been in love with you a lot longer because he doesn't shut up about you." Callie says to her as she looks at her. "Just tell him already put you both out of your miseries." Arizona tells her as she shakes her head.

"No I can't we have an amazing relationship right now where in a great place I'm not ruining that." Autumn says as her pager goes as she goes to see to her patients in the E.R.
Autumn had been thinking about what Arizona had said to her for the rest of her shift. Maybe she had been in love with Mark this whole time. She felt the need to tell him as she had headed to his apartment as Evie was still with the babysitter.

Autumn made her way to Marks apartment as she turned the corner ready to tell mark how she felt. However she felt her heart break as she saw Mark. Mark was making out with Amelia as she watched them as they headed into her apartment as she stood in a daze for a while.
A/N- she told someone about how she felt about mark I decided to go with Arizona as Callie and mark will still be having Sophia so I didn't want to ruin the friendship by Callie knowing about autumns feelings. Hope you guys enjoyed🤍

Autumn Montgomery Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang