The aftermath

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A/n: sorry for any grammar mistakes and the fact this is super freaking short :)
Jack slept through its hands as the light pulled him up. The hole in the sky was so bright that the loser had a hard time seeing anything until they were all gone. Looking around, The Loser saw he was now all alone. Looking around it realized it didn't get what it truly wanted. To know how to love like a human. It wanted to regain that feeling for the longest time and when Jack came to the land of the lost it thought it had a chance. It could eat the boy and feel love.
After some time of thinking of "what if's" The Loser finally realized that eating the things didn't make feel any love or even a small shred of happiness at the least. The Loser turned off its eye light and put out the fire. It started to cry. The Loser sobbed for the longest time.

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