Prolog: The Bombing of the End

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???'s P.O.V

I remember something that happened to me when I was 5. It was nearly 13 years ago. I heard a loud explosion and looked out my window from my room in the fortress.

A bomb hit the ground and I could see enderman running in all directions out of panic. I ran down the fortress to try and get out of the end.

When I got to the bottom all I saw was two men at gun point with my mother. I was terrified, she was all the family I had left. My dad died before I was born and my mom won't tell me how he died.

My mom looked at me and mouthed the word 'go'. Just then the two men fired their guns killing my mother.

"Mom!" I screamed in the enderian language.

The two men turned to me. Both of their eyes locked on me as they stared me down.

"I never seen a baby enderman before." One of them said.

"I can't kill a kid." The other returned.

Did I just get pity points for being a kid? I didn't waste another second. Seeing how I just learned how to make enderpearls, I throw one out the window.

Well not quite out the window. It crashed into the sill of it but I managed to get back in control of that.

"Sh*t!" One of the men yelled.

"Don't let him get away!" The other yelled after him.

I cluched the landing and started running for my original destination ... the end portal. When I got there Chuck, the ender dragon, was fighting to keep the invaders out. There were explosions everywhere. Endermen, who are usually calm and peaceful, were running around like scared birds.

I looked up at the obsidian pillars all around Chuck. Only one crystal left. Boom. The crystal exploded right I'm front of me.

Chuck would be able to last much longer. He landed and started fighting from the ground. I looked around to see if there was anything that I could do.

"Go!" Chuck yelled in our language.

I knew he directed that towards me. I was the only one who wasn't screaming and running in terror.

I ran up to the portal but before I could go through it Chuck stopped me.

"Wait," he called out. "If your going to the overworld you need a name."

I looked at him with confusion. What does he mean by that? Enderman are usually nameless. He handed me a large dragon scale with something carved into it.

"That was my father's name. I want you to wear it, you remind me of him a lot." Chuck explained.

I nodded. But before I could go through the portal a huge bomb set off behind me. The explosion hit mostly my left side. I lost my balance and fell through the portal.

I landed in something cold and ... wet? I opened my left eye to see what it was. I didn't recognize what it was. It was clear so instead of seeing what it was I saw the world I just fell into.

Once I regained my awareness I moved towards the top of what this was. Once at the top I gasped for air and climbed out. I don't really remember much from this point but I do remember clasping beside it.

"Phil!" I heard a young voice say. I then fell to the ground with everything going dark.

Philza's P.O.V

"Phil!" I heard my youngest son, Tommy, call out.

"What is it Tommy?" I asked turning towards him.

"There's something over there!" Tommy yelled from behind our house.

I walked out side to see what he was looking at. I looked over at the riverbank that was behind it and saw something just laying there.

I got closer to the bank and realized it was a person with a mob core. I picked them up and brought them inside.

"Tommy get me a towel." I ordered him.

"Yes Phil." He returned and rushed to get one.

"Another one?" I heard a female voice say.

I looked up to see my wife Kristen.

"I couldn't just leave him in the state he was in." I returned.

Tommy brought me the towel and Wilber and Tecno came out of their rooms.

"What's all the commotion?" Wilber asked.

They came over to where I was.

"What is that Phil?" Tecno asked pointing to the mystery mob.

"I don't know." I returned.

Just then a small grown could be heard and the mob woke up.

???'s P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes to see five pairs of eyes staring at me. I couldn't handle all the attention and teleported to the other side of the room.

"Don't hurt me." I mumbled to myself three times fast.

"We're not going to hurt you." One of them said.

I looked up to see an altrian standing near me. Wait were they all mobs? I looked over to see a phantom, a piglin, a chicken?, and a human. Guess they are not all mobs but a good portion of them were.

"Hi there, I'm Phil." The altrian said to me. "What's your name?"

I looked for the scale Chuck gave me. I found it and read it out loud.

"Ranboo." I returned.

"Ranboo do you have bad memory?" The human asked.

I shook my head.

"Did someone want you to use that?" The piglin asked.

This time I nodded.

"Okay, we know that your half enderman but what's your other half if you don't mind me asking." The chicken asked.

I looked at him confused.

"I'm not half enderman." I said after a while.

"Then what are you?" Phil asked.

"I'm pure enderman." I responded.

"That's impossible." The phantom retorted.

"Wilber Soot Minecraft, control yourself!" Phil yelled at the phantom using his full name.

The now named Wilber turned and walked towards the bathroom. When he came back he had a hand-held mirror in his hand.

He phased throw the floor and placed the mirror in front of me. My eyes widened when I saw myself. I was half black and half white.

"If your a pure enderman then what is that?" Wilber asked trying really hard not to sound mad.

My best bet was to say this ...

"A battle reminder." I replied to his question.

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