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You finally got off work and immediately laid down. The day has been so long and honestly its been so hard to just not leave work. As a store clerk its hard as hell to answer the phones, they yell sometimes, there are also lots and lots of prank calls but one particular call today was one that you remember specifically.

"I see you." all they said before hanging up their voice was deep and raspy and it had a shiver going down your spine. You looked on the cameras to see if there was anybody in the store but no it was just you. after an hour or two you were out of there, still kinda paranoid because of that one call, was it just a prank call or was it one of your coworkers pranking you? you couldn't care to find out because of how tired you were and how much you want to just get home.

When you got home you immediately started a shower got in then went into your bedroom got dressed in your nice comfy pajamas and laid flat on the bed. You have never felt more tired in your life.

You were seconds away from sleeping until your phone started ringing.

Its so crazyyy my nights so hazzyyy I'm making the stage I'm breaking the cage tonight I'm freee

God, it was so. annoying. you don't know what in your mind made you decide to make it that. You were just gonna try and go to sleep again but it was so. so. annoying.

You grabbed your phone from off your nightstand that was beside your bed and answered with the least annoyed voice you could muster up.

"Hello?" You said

"Your so pretty, or would you prefer handsome?" the person said on the phone, it kinda sound like the guy that was called at the store and that made a shiver go down your spine as you sat up.

"Uh, I believe you have the wrong number," You said with slight hesitation, honestly you were about to hang up.

"No, I don't think I do. I never get the wrong numbers." the man said as you heard a slight tapping on the window that was near your bed. You flipped your head over towards the sound to find nothing but that old tree that has been there since you moved in.

"I-" you started to say before he cut you off "Can you do me a favor?"

"Uh, I-... It depends on what it is, after all, you're a stranger." You said into the phone, maybe you should've just hung up and gone to sleep. "Can you make sure that all your doors are locked?" the stranger said.

"W-... why?" You said while already getting up to make sure your doors are locked, even though he's a stranger he might help you out a little just in case the doors are unlocked, you looked around the house on every door that led outside, which wasn't much before heading back to your room. "Well, maybe I'm just concerned for your safety!" he said.

you looked a bit confused before you heard a slight creak in your closet. Your head snapped towards the sound as you stayed completely still to see if it would happen again and when it happened you dashed out of the room leaving your phone on the bed and you soon heard footsteps behind you.

You thought back to the stranger that was on the phone and how he got quiet when you heard the creak, then you thought back again to the locked doors it was to make sure it took you a bit to get out!

You didn't dare to look back until you grabbed a knife that was in the kitchen and faced this.. stalker. He stopped in his tracks, right in front of you, you could've sworn that this was all just a nightmare.

You were frozen with the knife in your hand as you gazed at the man up and down, he would actually be attractive if he wasn't a random person that was in your closet. His eyes were hazel and his hair was black he actually looked quite plain but the look on his face says different.

X readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora