Small girl: Hello again Rosalina

(Y/N) was about to ask Rosalina who the girl was but was stopped when Rosalina spoke to her.

Rosalina: You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here again Ophis, especially after what you did!

The girl now known as Ophis sighed a bit upon hearing this.

Ophis: Are you still on about that, it's been years at this point

Rosalina: That still doesn't change the fact that you nearly wiped out all my precious Luma!

(Y/N) and Cheryl looked at her a bit shocked, but then heard Ophis sigh again.

Ophis: Yes yes, I know but I'm not here to get yelled at about that

Rosalina: *through gritted teeth* Then what are you here for?

A small smile made its way onto her face as she looked to (Y/N).

Ophis: I'm here for him

(Y/N): Me?!

Ophis nods as Cheryl glared at her. She walks up to (Y/N) smiling.

Ophis: I am Ophis otherwise known as the Infinity Dragon God

(Y/N): Infinity Dragon God?

Ophis: Yes, I've been watching you for quite a while now. And I must say I'm quite impressed

(Y/N): Okay, so what do you want

Ophis giggles a bit at this and looks up at him before placing her hand on his chest.

Ophis: I've chosen you to be my mate

(Y/N), Cheryl and Rosalina all looked at the dragon shocked.

(Y/N): W-Wait what!? Why me?!

Ophis: Simply put, from almost every form I've seen of yours are very strong. If I manage to breed with you in your strongest form, we would produce a truly amazing offspring. One that all would bow to and not only that, one that could finally help me reclaim my home from that jerk red. Now then shall we go my dear?

Cheryl: Hell no!!

Ophis looked to Cheryl who was holding a pokeball, pointing it at the dragon.

Cheryl: You are not taking (Y/N)!

Ophis: Oh, and who are you to deny me

Rosalina: And that's where I step in then

She then looked over to Rosalina seeing her holding her wand with magic charging at the tip of it. Ophis scoffs at this and begins releasing some of her own aura.

Ophis: I'd like to see try, goddess of space, we both know how this went last time. Now then, I'll be taking my mate

(Y/N): Sorry but no

Ophis looked to (Y/N).

(Y/N): I'm not going to be your mate, and plus I already have one kid that needs me, I don't need to be worrying about any other ones

Ophis: I see

Ophis stepped back smirking.

Ophis: Then, how about we put up a wager 

As she said this two more people stepped out from the portal. First was a woman with black hair, she had cat ears and wore a kimono.

 First was a woman with black hair, she had cat ears and wore a kimono

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The Descendant Of The Hero Of Heroes(Crossover X Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt