Ryusui: Hanahaki

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Dr. Stone

Ryusui Nanami x Reader: Hanahaki

art credits: ゆ~ @/gratino1shi1 (on twitter)

Spoiler warning for manga characters

Stone world


"Did you ever fall in love?" Ryusui looked sursprise but played it off quikly. "(name) what do you mean? I fell in love with you?" He said jokingly. "Ryusui, I'm serious" You said and came him dangerously close. "w-wha-" Ryusuis face got redder but you didn't noticed."I what to find out what love is" You said.

"help me find out what love is!!"

"and thats what happened..." Francois explained it in Ryusuis place. While he just sat on the floor all depressed. "master (name) doesn't seem to noticed master Ryusui's feelings." they added. "and thats why you were acting weird lately?" Senku asked and Ryusui nodded. "poor Ryusui. One sided love is really hard" Kohaku said without noticing that she hurt his feelings. "be carefull or you will get the 'Hanahaki disease'" Gen said jokingly. "'Hanahaki disease'?" Kohaku and Chome said at the same time.

"in the old world it was a serious disease that people with one sided love got. Tausends of humans died because of it!!" Gen said and made a scary face. He scared Kohaku and Chrome to death while he just laughed evil. Senku just hit him on his head.

"dont mess around that disease is fictional. It doesn't exist. Even if it wouldn't cause death" he said.

"oh yea I noticed that Ryusui never flirts with (name) as he does with other girls" Chrome aid and waited for Francois to answer "he is to embarresed to do so" Francois answered. The others began to laugh.

"guys dinner is ready" you said and came in. You saw Ryusui laying on the floor half dead, while the others where ignoring him and peacefully talking. You gasped and ran to Ryusui to help him up. "(name) you don't have to bother he is just lovesi-" Gen wanted to say but got interruped by you. "fever." You said as you put your hand on his forehead. The others stopped moving. And while they where lost in their thought you put Ryusui in a bed.

A common synptom of the Hanahaki disease: fever, phantasmagoria*, food aversion, uncontrollable shaking

(*phantasmagoria- a constantly changing medley of real or imagined images (as in a dream) internal representation, mental representation, representation- a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image)


Senku was completly lost.

Does the Hanahaki disease really exist?? No it's just coincidence, right?

Senku once read an article about it but he didn't believed it.

Right! If he coughs up flower petals then its true.

"Senku! what are you doing?!" you said angrily. He just looked at you not knowing what you wanted from him. Your question stayed unanswered. What made you just more furious. "Senku what do we do?!" Kohaku shouted and Senku got back to reality. "measure the temperature first!" he said. Gen was already on it. "39,8 degrees" he said.

"thats really really bad we need to lower the temperature or he could die! Kohaku get some ice!" Kohaku immediantely left. Then Senku wrote something down on a piece of paper. 

"make a tea of it" he said to you and gave you the paper. "No wait I can do it too master (name) doesn't need to bother" Francois said. "no I need you to find 'dong quai' or also called 'Angelica Sinensis' you will find it to ten billion percent. Take Suika with you maybe she already knows where to find it" he said and you two also left the tent to fullfit your tasks.

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