"How generous of you to think ahead." I mutter with a soft chuckle. "When did you even have time to do this?"

He stills before shooting me a sheepish smile. "Well, I already had it packed since day one...you know...in case we were ever in a situation like this."

"You greedy...fucking...goose!" Cole splutters as he sits down with a huff. "Give me those chips! And the dark chocolate!"

"Well, clearly I did everyone a favor! Without me all you'd be feasting on is a can of beans and water!" Judah frowns before pulling out the snacks he wants.

"Nah, I grabbed some protein bars." He smiles smugly as he grabs them from his backpack.

Judah blinks at him slowly before glancing down at the snacks Cole asked for. "I'll trade you these for two of those bars."


I chuckle at their antics before Judah plops his bag of food in between us. He holds the packet of chips out to me and I take some before speaking. "I don't need to have something to trade with you? Must be my lucky day."

"What's mine is yours love...and that includes all of me too." He winks and I struggle to laugh quietly when Cole starts gagging with a disgusted expression.

"Your flirting is not cute Judah." He mutters with a wince.

Judah chucks a wrapped sandwich at him which he catches swiftly. "I'm the best in the fucking game bitch."

"Yeah? Once this is over what do you say we hit the town and see how many girls we get so?" Cole proposes and I fold my arms over my knees as I watch them with interest.

Judah sighs before jerking his thumb in my direction. "Only if my woman will give me a pass for one night."

"I'm not your woman so you don't have to worry about not getting the green light to go harass some girls." I snort while Cole snickers in amusement.

"We'll see once this is over Mace."

"Hey, why do you call her Macy instead of Marcella?" Cole asks and even I stare at him expectantly.

"It's cute plus she doesn't like her real name. She always either scrunches her nose or grimaces whenever someone says Marcella." Judah explains and my jaw drops over how observant he is.

"True?" Cole turns to me with his brows raised.

"True." I mumble quietly before Griffin pops his head in our tent.

"Cole, Reece is on guard after me then it's you alright?"

"Got it." Cole takes a big bite of his sandwich before shooting him a thumbs up.

Griffin turns to leave when he double takes at Judah's bag. "You little shit! I've been looking for that candy everywhere! Give me it!"

"But it's mine! I stole it fair and square!" Judah whines before throwing it over when Griffin glares at him. "Fat fuck!"

"Lanky twig!"

"Hey, I work out man! Fight me!" Judah whisper yells before zipping up the tent quickly and turning to Cole with a frown. "Would he kill me in a fight?"

"In a heartbeat man."

"Dammit!" Judah mutters before we finish eating.

We settle down to sleep with the soft glow of the lantern soothing me. I look over my shoulder when I hear shuffling and shake my head tiredly at Judah setting his sleeping bag down next to mine. He smiles sleepily and shrugs which is adorable so I let him be. Cole's snores echo through our tent and it's not long before Judah joins with softer ones. It takes me a while but eventually I drift off to dreamland too.

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