Raspberry Attends A Music Concert And Gets A New Crush

Start from the beginning


Raspberry truly didn't know what to expect from a pop concert. The music she listened to was mainly classical music. Sometimes, she listened to Mint Choco Cookie's violin pieces, but that was when she had insomnia episodes and she needed soothing music to sleep.

"Mademoiselle Raspberry, Princess Cookie has arrived," one of her maids said, gently tapping her shoulder.

"Thank you," Raspberry said, rising. "Alright, dear cousin, I'll see you this evening."

Princess Cookie was standing excitedly at the doorstep, wearing a white t-shirt with Paru-Paru-Parfait! in bright pink lettering.

"Hiya Raspberry! Are you ready?"

Knight Cookie stood nearby, with a ramrod-straight posture.

"Um, yeah! Hang on a second, let me grab my purse..."

Ten minutes later, they were seated in the plush carriage and they were on their way to the Garden of Delights.


The Garden of Delights was a popular place for musicians to perform, so it was no surprise to Raspberry that Parfait decided to hold her concert there. There were beautiful blush pink cotton candy trees and several picnic tables for cookies to sip tea and gossip.

It had always been one of the most captivating places for Raspberry.

"We're here~" Princess sang, nearly pushing Knight out of the carriage in her haste to get out.

The trio followed the growing crowd to a pale pink stage, the spotlights already turned on. There was only a microphone and a set of speakers on stage, with no other instruments.

How's she gonna perform without any other instruments? Raspberry wondered.

Princess was shaking Knight back and forth excitedly. "Ooh, I'm so excited!"

"My Lady, please, calm down, the performance is about to begin-"

"Hello everyone!" A voice trilled.

Raspberry looked back up to find a cookie with pale pink hair streaked with bright pink highlights climbing up to the stage. She was wearing a bright pink tank top dress with off-the-shoulder floppy sleeves fading from white to pink. Her shoes were two different shades of pink, and a bright pink guitar was slung over her shoulder.

She must really like pink. Raspberry thought. She has a very...shrill voice. I wonder what she'll sound like when she sings. Oh, I missed the majority of her announcement. Whoops.

"Here is my number-one hit, 'Everything You Need'!"

Cookies all around Raspberry were screaming their lungs out, including Princess.

Parfait took a deep breath and began to sing.

Every day you wake up and you try to do the best that you can

Some days the recipe just won't turn out the way that you planned

Never let it get you down

Everything can turn around

Just take life one scoop at a time

Wow. Raspberry's opinion of her was changing rapidly. Parfait's voice sounded so much more...mature when she was singing. And she didn't sound like any of the other pop singers Raspberry had heard either, who used a large amount of autotune and effects to deliver success. No. Parfait Cookie's success came from a genuine passion for singing.

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