Druig stepped back, letting her close to hug you. You noticed he did not leave though, his eyes on yours over Sersei's head. And from the look on his face, you had a feeling he wasn't going to be leaving any time soon.


"I'm really sorry, Y/N," Kingo said. "You told me not to show off and I did, and you got hurt."

"It wasn't your fault," you smiled at him, sitting up in your med bay bed. Ajak had come and looked you over earlier. She had said you could go back to your room tomorrow but until then, you were stuck here where you could be monitored more closely. Druig had yet to leave your side. He sat quietly in the corner as the others came to see you throughout the day.

"It was," he said. "I distracted you. But you were a really good boss before that."

"Thanks, Kingo," you grinned. "I guess you can be on my team again one day, if I ever get a team again."

"Oh I'm sure you will," he sat on a chair, putting his feet up on your bed. "Anyways, how's it been here with your boyfriend all day? You bored yet?"

"What did you call him?" Your body tensed as you looked from him to Druig.

"They know," Druig said simply, looking up from his book.

"What?" You gasped. "You told them?"

"No, your friend Ikaris told them," he said as he looked down again, turning a page nonchalantly.

"Yeah, the boss kind of exploded on your man there," Kingo went on. "Which he totally deserved. It actually would've been better if Ikaris kicked his ass. He one hundred percent deserved it."

"I'm sitting right here, Kingo," Druig rolled his eyes.

"I know," Kingo glared at him. He turned back to you. "I can't believe you kept this a secret for centuries. I mean we're best friends, you didn't even tell me."

"You're not her best friend," Druig said through gritted teeth.

"Yes I am," he said. "We know it's not you because you suck."

"Kingo," you sighed. "I'm sorry I kept it secret from you and everyone else. It was stupid."

You saw Druig flinch out of the corner of your eye.

"It's fine," Kingo waved it off. "Honestly I'm impressed with that level of secrecy. The Qin emperor has these spies, they're called indispensables. You could totally be one of those. If you weren't you know an Eternal with a mission from a celestial and all."

You smiled. "Thanks."

He got up. "I'll see you later okay? I'll bring you some of those noodles you like. Maybe when your watch dog isn't here because I'm not bringing him any."

You laughed as he left, Druig grumbling under his breath. It was a few minutes after, when you were alone again, that Druig spoke. "I wish I could go back and do things differently," he said. "I would've been open with our relationship."

"Yeah well, too late for that now," you leaned back in your bed. "Besides, we weren't in a relationship. It was just sex, remember?"

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