Start from the beginning

KIYOKO has respected (Y/N) from the very first moment they met. Seeing (Y/N) treat her teammates so carefully and talking to them as if they were friends for years, made Kiyoko admire her. She has never met someone who can be as good in communicating as Hinata.
▷ When she sees (Y/N) in school, Kiyoko always approaches her and gives her ice cream. (Y/N) would always try to refuse, but Kiyoko has never failed in convincing her.
▷ Kiyoko has a habit of playing with (Y/N)'s hands and hair. She also got used to asking how (Y/N)'s day has been since she sometimes notices the air of sadness and loneliness the lady has whenever she's alone. She'd pout when (Y/N) tells her that she's alright. So, Kiyoko just waits for (Y/N) until she's ready to tell everything that she's thinking about.

▶ Just like how Kiyoko admires (Y/N) for her communication skills, SUGAWARA awes over the fact that she can attract all sorts of people to her. There was this one time he saw (Y/N) talking to a shopkeeper, after getting the things his mother told him to buy, he gawked to see a crowd surrounding her and listening, even laughing to whatever she says.
▷ He got the chance to ask about that at practice and was stunned to hear that (Y/N) met those people for the first time. She said that the shopkeeper's drinks were delicious and was wondering why nobody was buying it. Sugawara let out a disbelieved sound after hearing that (Y/N) only noticed the crowd when she finished talking to the shopkeeper.
▷ Sugawara personally thinks that the atmosphere around (Y/N) is different from other people and that (Y/N)'s gaze is something that people cannot look away from.

DAICHI acts strict with (Y/N) because he thinks that she is extremely reckless. Although he scolds her and even hit her for taking impulsive actions, he always buys her twice the meat buns unlike with his teammate.
▷ Even when he's in his classes, he always worry about (Y/N) since he has from Yachi that she skips it from time to time. Days after meeting her, he caught her skipping and did it with her when he was forced to. He actually thought that it was fun.
▷ His thoughts about (Y/N) being an idiot changed after he skipped classes with her. They passed by some people who were playing chess and decided to watch them out of curiosity. One of the people who was playing actually is (Y/N)'s acquaintance that helped (Y/N) with directions in a neighborhood, so (Y/N) decided to return the favor by checkmating her acquaintance's opponent with one move. Up until this day, Daichi still asks her how she did that. Only to receive an answer 'Eh, that was just a coincidence'. After that, Daichi decided to never ignore what (Y/N) says (no matter how enigmatic it is).

▶ At an unforeseeable day, ASAHI passed by at the guidance counseling office, he shivered to see (Y/N) being scolded. But, his thoughts instantly vanished to see (Y/N) talking to them with a smile on her face. Her smile was so genuine that he thought that she enjoyed being scolded.
▷ When (Y/N) finished her counseling, she saw Asahi on the hallways trembling. She asked him what was wrong, only to have a response of being shook by her shoulders. Asahi repeatedly questioned if she was alright or if she was about to cry, turns out (Y/N) was fine with the scoldings and even assured him that she learns a lot from what her teachers are saying.
▷ To Asahi, (Y/N) is an openminded person who thinks in a broad way. Whether someone looked scary or had bad rumors surrounding them, he thinks that (Y/N) actually doesn't mind those and sees a person for who they are. He admires that trait of hers and tries his best to be like her.

TSUKISHIMA, like Daichi, thought that (Y/N) was a dumbass who didn't consider thinking about the consequences of her actions. Yes, those thoughts changed after the captain of their team showed him the girl's test results.
▷ Although he teases and taunts her from time to time, Tsukishima holds (Y/N) in an extremely high regard. While he was crossing the road to go home after buying his favorite strawberry shortcakes, he saw (Y/N) carrying an old lady on her back. He helped them afterwards, with (Y/N) finding out that he likes dinosaurs and shortcakes at the same time. He expected her to make fun of him, but (Y/N) actually suggested some recipes she knew and shared some facts about dinosaurs that even he didn't know.
▷ He finds her strange antics interesting, but what he thinks is most fascinating about her is how considerate and good natured she is. He has never met a person like (Y/N) who saw everything and everyone equally.

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