7: Perpetrator

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Something had been bothering Lan Xichen. The appearance of the Zhuque was just too strange. Considering the number of cultivators around, it was rather weird that the Zhuque would appear. In the Hanshi, Lan Xichen was looking at a compiled list of everyone who came to the Nie Sect, which Nie Huaisang had generously provided, agreeing that the event had been unusual. Being Sect Leader, Lan Xichen had taken it upon himself to figure out the perpetrator and resolve it before his younger brother and Master Wei returned.

He turned his attention back to the list, firstly crossing off those he knew were guiltless. Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Jiang Wanyin, Lan Sizhui were the first to be crossed off. He wished he could rule out Nie Huaisang, but the Nie Sect Leader had proved to be more troublesome than he appeared. Lan Xichen believed that Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi were also blameless: Jin Ling had become a little more mellowed with Wei Wuxian, and sincerely regretted hurting him, while Jingyi... well, Jingyi was just Jingyi.

Now came the hard part. Lan Xichen compiled the names he didn't immediately know: he knew everyone from Gusu, but those from the Jiang and Jin sects were less familiar to him. He also still hadn't ruled out the possibility of Nie sect disciples being involved.

This is turning into a big fiasco, Lan Xichen sighed. A cool breeze wafted through the open window, making some of the pages flutter. As they did so, Lan Xichen noticed something strange about one of the Jin disciples. Extracting that sheet from the pile, Lan Xichen studied him. This Jin disciple looked normal, but there was something older about him, an aura that Lan Xichen could almost detect even through a picture of him.

"Lan Huan, I just received a message from Wei Wuxian-," Jiang Cheng began, barging into the Hanshi. Lan Xichen held back a smile. Jiang Cheng was never one to follow rules that he didn't like: in that way he was rather similar to Wei Wuxian. Lan Xichen didn't want to imagine the purple robed sect leader's reaction if he was told that.

"Really? How are they going?" Lan Xichen asked, getting up gracefully, his robes fluttering around him. Jiang Cheng had noticed the mess on the table and frowned. It was unlike Xichen to be messy.

"What's all this?" He asked, picking up the piece of paper Lan Xichen had been pouring over.

"Tell me what the letter said first," Lan Xichen replied. He saw Jiang Cheng roll his eyes at Lan Xichen's non - answer.

"According to this, the seed has sprouted most of the way, so they're very close. But Lan Wangji added at the end that Wei Wuxian's condition is declining quickly."

"Good news and bad news," Lan Xichen said. He put a hand out for the letter, and Jiang Cheng dropped it into his palm, sitting down in a swirl of robes and shuffling through the disorganized pile.

Lan Xichen quickly scanned it, verifying the Jiang Leader's words. He looked up to see Jiang Cheng's pale purple eyes looking at him, obviously demanding an answer. Lan Xichen sighed, sitting down next to him.

"These are records of everyone who attended the contest. Nie Huaisang had them all compiled, so I asked to see them," Lan Xichen explained. Jiang Cheng frowned.

"But why are you looking at them?"

"The Zhuque definitely did not just appear there on it's own," Lan Xichen said. Jiang Cheng's expression grew thoughtful.

"I was thinking about that, but do you have any proof?" He countered. Lan Xichen sighed again. He was sighing a lot today.

"No, but I thought this was as good a place to start as any."

Abruptly, Jiang Cheng met his eyes.

"Let me help, Lan Huan," Jiang Cheng said seriously. Lan Xichen smiled softly at him.

"Of course, Jiang Wanyin."

Qinglong looked down into the mortal world, curious about this mortal named Wei Wuxian. It was a miracle he was still alive after that attack from Zhuque, and now he was traveling to find the only possible cure! Qinglong was mighty impressed: he could see why Baihu had taken an interest in the demonic cultivator.

"Has he caught your attention too?" A rumbling voice asked. Qinglong didn't need to look around, he knew who it was.

"Baihu. I thought you were traversing the realms," Qinglong said, azure scales shimmering in the pale light. Baihu laughed, a low rumble in his chest. The famed White Tiger was beautiful, with a luscious thick coat that looked like it was made of starlight.

"I wanted to see how this goes," Baihu said. Qinlong harrumphed.

"So you made me do the work despite you being here all along?"


The two elder spirits sat side by side, watching a new story unfold from the highest peaks of heaven.

Damn, my arm is really hurting, Wei Wuxian thought as they trekked up the mountain. It was such a familiar sight, the deep green trees and lively birds flitting about. Memories from the last time he had come here made his chest ache.


"Remember, don't ever take off the blindfold."

"I know," Jiang Cheng said, securing it tightly. Wei Wuxian felt nervous about this, but there was nothing he wouldn't do for his brother.

"I'll see you in a few days," Wei Wuxian said, embracing him tightly.


The pain was so overwhelming. Wei Wuxian wasn't sure how he got through it. Wen Qing had been so stressed, and Wen Ning had still tried talking him out of it, but Wei Wuxian refused. And, after 2 days and 2 nights, he saw his golden core in Wen Qing's hand, glowing softly and pulsing in time with his heart beat. Wen Ning had then helped him back down the mountain, where he collapsed from extreme pain and exhaustion. A day later, Wen Chao came for him.


They weren't exactly good memories, but they were important. Wei Wuxian found it ironic that he would come back here of all places to be healed: the mountain that he had claimed was Baoshan Sanren's. He let out a small snort, drawing Lan Wangji's attention towards him. Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling were up ahead, the latter two competing to try and find the flower first.

"Are you ok, Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asked. Wei Wuxian nodded, reaching out and entwining their hands.

"I'm good, Lan Zhan."

In the end, the disciple Lan Xichen had picked out seemed the most likely suspect. He intended to go see Nie Huaisang right away, but Jiang Cheng had insisted on coming along, rubbing his ring threateningly. Arriving at the Nie Sect, Nie Huaisang had given them permission to go investigate the contest grounds. Now both cultivators were at the spot the Zhuque had been defeated. The massive monster had dissipated, leaving only remnants of fighting. A sizzling sound caught Lan Xichen's ear and he turned around just in time to see Jiang Cheng hit a rock with Zidian, shattering it.

"Wanyin?" Lan Xichen asked.

"I found it."

Hurrying over, both men looked at the carefully carved summoning circle, hidden behind the tumbled rocks. Lan Xichen's eyes widened in recognition.

"I know this formation." 

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