3: Zhuque

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Jin Ling had participated in a few of these before, but as the Sect Leader, it would be improper for him to do so now. So he had thought he would be stuck with an angry uncle and a ditzy one, but Lan Xichen had made arrangements so he could participate too. Jin Ling was still of participation age, so why shouldn't he participate? That's where he was right now, running after Lan Sizhui through the mountain range. Lan Jingyi had branched off somewhere, declaring that "Luck is on my side today!" Jin Ling snorted, getting a weird look from the other Lan. That Jingyi was a weird one. Lan Sizhui suddenly stopped, and Jin Ling plowed into him, not expecting that.

"Ow! Why'd you stop?" Jin Ling asked, annoyed, as he untangled himself from the Lan. Jin Ling prayed that the elder wouldn't see him blushing. Thankfully, Lan Sizhui just pointed up ahead, and Jin Ling quickly realised what Lan Sizhui had seen. A whole nest of bird - like creatures was up ahead. Since they were still within the boundaries, then these were part of the contest. And killing as many as this would easily secure their spots. Jin Ling shared a challenging look with Lan Sizhui, and both of them raced forward, determined to win.

Lan Jingyi thought he might've made a mistake. A teensy weensy one. Because there were no monsters here. Not even a rogue spirit. He was tempted to shoot random things, but then he'd be out. A lotus symbol appeared in the air as a dull gray colour.

"Aw, I thought it might be the young mistress," Lan Jingyi muttered, slightly disappointed. He'd seen a few go up: there might have been around 100 participants left out of 200. Lan Jingyi realised he'd have to up his game if he wanted to get a good spot. So he quickly scaled the nearest tree.

"I'm not going to lose," he declared.

Lan Wangji was bored. These demons were all low level and easily dealt with. He'd much rather be with his Wei Ying right now. He could tell by the fireworks that the Lan Clan was in the lead, but only by a few points. The Jiang Clan was definitely close behind. A sudden aura had Lan Wangji alert, pulling out his guqin, Wangji. This presence was definitely not part of the competition. It was way too strong. Hanguang Jun leaped into the air, determined to find this unholy energy.

The Sect Leaders were chatting amicably: or in the case of Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen, sitting closely together. It made Wei Wuxian grin. I hope he is happy, Wei Wuxian thought. Too much had happened in their lives, it wasn't fair if only Wei Wuxian found love. His musings were cut short when a demonic presence cut through the mountains. Wei Wuxian stopped cold. All the other cultivators there froze.

"That is not supposed to be in the contest," Lan Xichen said.

"I have no record of a monster this powerful in Qinghe," Nie Huaisang said, covering his face with his fan. Jiang Cheng whipped out Sandu, knocking over Wei Wuxian's tea. He glared at his brother's back. You did that on purpose, you sneak.

"We have to go in there," Jiang Cheng declared.

"I can handle it." Everyone looked at the Yiling Patriarch, who had an unusually stoic expression. "My demonic cultivation should take care of this quickly."

Lan Xichen nodded before anyone else could argue. He trusted Wei Wuxian.


Wei Wuxian nodded, quickly disappearing into the mountain range. He held Chengqing tightly in his hand. This energy seemed too familiar, and it worried him. Because if this creature was what he thought it was, then there was a low chance of even him defeating it. And he knew Lan Wangji: his husband was probably already on his way. Wei Wuxian definitely couldn't let him attack it alone. So he sped up, passing a few confused cultivators.

The presence was only getting stronger, and Wei Wuxian's heart sank. As he crested a ridge, he saw it. It was flying over a small nest of very low ranked bird demons. A brilliant vermillion pheasant. He cursed. The Zhuque. One of the Four Symbols of the Chinese Constellations, just like the black turtle, the one he and Lan Zhan had defeated in their youth: the Xuanwu. A battle cry drew his attention to a young cultivator in a gold robe, who was charging into attack. A Lan disciple backed him up.

Why did it have to be them?! Wei Wuxian thought in exasperation and fear. They're going to get themselves killed!

He jumped down, landing in front of Lan Sizhui, who stopped in his tracks.

"Father-," he began, but Wei Wuxian cut him off.

"You absolutely cannot fight this beast," Wei Wuxian said. Lan Sizhui backed down, knowing to trust his father's judgment.

"Jin Ling!" Lan Sizhui called. The hot headed teenager did not turn around, hacking at the massive bird flying above them. Wei Wuxian let out an annoyed sigh.

"Stay back, A - Yuan."

A black and red aura enveloped Wei Wuxian, his eyes sparking, bright as rubies. The Yiling Patriarch had arrived. Twirling his flute Chengqing in his hand, he quickly moved forward, his first aim to pull Jin Ling out of the way. The young cultivator let out a yelp as a hand grabbed his collar and threw him backwards. Lan Sizhui caught Jin Ling, causing the latter to blush. Now that he was out of the way, Wei Wuxian could fight. Bringing the flute up to his lips, he played a frenzied tune, demonic energy spreading out around him. It caused the Zhuque to go into a panic as a barrier of corrupted energy formed, stopping the vermillion bird from escaping. Suddenly, a chain flew out of the ground, tying itself around the Zhuque's neck. It squawked indignantly and yanked upwards, revealing Wen Ning, the Ghost General. Summoned by Weir Wuxian's music, Wen Ning attacked, keeping the monster at bay. However, there was a problem. Wei Wuxian could feel Mo Xuanyu's weak core and body faltering under such an onslaught of negative energy. With his old body, defeating the Zhuque would've been within reality, but with Mo Xuanyu's weak one, there was next to no chance of such a thing. Nevertheless, Wei Wuxian continued to play Chengqing, keeping the barrier up and Wen Ning attacking. The Zhuque, now enraged, swooped down, throwing Wen Ning through the air. The ghost general hit a clif wall, and it crumbled on top of him.

"Wen Ning! Shit," Wei Wuxian said as the Zhuque turned its attention to the demonic cultivator. He readied himself to fight. The vermillion bird had proven itself to be very quick, and it showed that in its next attack. Wei Wuxian barely had time to deflect a talon that would have pierced his chest. He knew he was outmatched, but he couldn't back down. Then, he heard it. Lan Wangji's guqin. Wei Wuxian was both relieved and fearful for his husband. But that small distraction cost him. He turned, but not in time to deflect the next attack. The Zhuque's talon cut open his arm in a spray of blood. Wei Wuxian dropped to the ground, his right hand trying to stop the bleeding.

I think... it hit... an artery, he thought slowly. A fog was invading his mind, making it impossible to think clearly. Lan Zhan... He collapsed. 

Thanks for reading this (I honestly expected no one to)! Also, all the information about cultivation I know from Mxtx's novels and some internet research, so please not hate if it's wrong! 

That's all for today :) 

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