How 🌈 I Think &team Is (out Of 100)

382 21 2

Kei: 103/100

He's just too gay, like he's a runner who runs after men. He's not just fruity, he's a whole damn basket. He's 60% water and 200% a simp for Hanbin. I could go into Heavy detail why he's very gay but that's for some other day.


Nicholas: 98/100

Maybe not as gay as Kei but he's also very gay when it comes to Euijoo. Of course Nichobin has sailed a lot but he's quite a playboy, so he's after Euijoo right now. He's very clingy though. A very confident gay. SLAYYYY NICHOLAS 😍🌈


Euijoo: 81/100

He's not that gay but he gay panics a lot. He also radiates a lot of gay vibe, I can see it. A complete bottom so you can find him getting teased all the time.


Taki: 40-45/100

The least gay one, for now. Actually quite straight for now. We can say he's bisexual. But we haven't seen much (🏳️‍🌈) interaction yet so I can't guarantee. Until then, Taki's quite straight or maybe his inner gay hasn't come out yet because... Both his parents are gay asf so.

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