
442 18 42

Cameron Phillips

February 14th - Freshman in College

It was my birthday yesterday and she didn't even call me.

I've been better. BC is kicking my ass, but I've always been good at school, so I'll be fine. I'm taking a lot of literature classes, which I'm doing just fine in, but it's the STEM classes that I have trouble with. It'll be fine in the end.

The English courses here are amazing. I've always wanted to be a professor and teach how literature can change lives because people are fucking stupid and don't see that anymore.

"Reading's boring. It's just a waste of time."

"Why do we always read such old books? It's not like they are going to teach me anything."

I want to change those mindsets. If everyone tried reading, they would love it.

I am laying on my bed thinking about what I have to do today with a naked girl laying on my shoulder.



Her name starts with the letter "J", I know that. Have to finish a paper later today and I might try to finish chapter 6 of the manuscript I am writing. I've been writing a lot lately. It gets me out of my mind and puts me in the position of someone else. The genre is mystery/thriller, so I am still trying to outline what's going to happen in the coming chapters. I might go to the café across the street to work on it. Other than that, going to the gym, and getting this girl out of my dorm, I have nothing else planned for today-

I look at the calendar above my desk in my dorm and I see the date. February 14th.

Valentine's Day?


My head shoots off of my pillow.

How could I have forgotten? Maybe it's because I got so fucking hammered last night. After all, it was my birthday of course. And not because I'm shit scared of today's dinner. Shit! What time is it?

I grab my phone from its nightstand, the brightness making my head hurt, and I have 4 missed calls from my mom and 2 from my dad.

Mom: Don't forget about today.

Mom: I know you and you would never miss out on tonight.

Dad: Your mom is starting to get mad. Answer her calls.

I jump out of bed, wake up the girl, and start to dial my mom's number. I don't have to leave for a couple of hours, but my mom gets stressed easily. And I promised I would go... even though I don't want to. At all.

"Where the hell have you been? It's 11 a.m.!" The first words I hear over the phone.

"Hey, Mom. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too."

She is silent on the other end and I know I pissed her off even more.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I had a late night last night. I went out with a few friends to celebrate my birthday and I woke up a little late today. That's all. I was going to head out soon for Hartford."

She sighs and says, "Okay." 

She pauses for a minute so I thought she was done talking, but she continues with, "Hey. I know you don't want to see her, but I think this will be good for you. Let's just see how things play out tonight."

"Mom. I know that you and Mrs. Cecilia want everything to go back to how it was and you both think you know everything, but I'm doing fine without her. I'll be nice tonight, but then we go back to how it's been for the past eight months."

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