Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

There has never been a man less in need of an ego boost.

The woman's eyes suddenly slide to the direction of your shaft, and you are sure she has seen you by the way her odd smile widens. You wonder whether she will rat you out (to who, though?) but she says nothing. Her eyes are slightly glassy as she studies you for a second more, and the uncanny sensation of something crawling up your spine skitters across your back. That is the look of a proper Hearts player, all right. 

You are glad when she finally is gone, for the woman scores quite high on the Rather Creepy Spectrum. 

"I wouldn't recommend sitting there all day," Chishiya's bored voice floats out of nowhere. His blonde head dips over the edge of your shaft as he pops out of the void, the hair tucked behind his ears tumbling forward. His expression is one of casual amusement. "You'll curve your spine."

You snort, trying to appear as dignified as you can while crouched in your shaft. "Remove yourself from my shaft, Chishiya," you announce. He straightens up, grinning, as you extricate yourself from the protection of your shaft. 

Once you are free from the shaft you are rather surprised to find a tall man standing a couple of centimetres away, and are surprised all the more that you hadn't seen him sooner. Like a deer caught in headlights, Arisu blinks back at you from behind Chishiya. The poor man looks as though someone has instilled the fear of God in him; thus increasing his googlyness tenfold. 

You wonder for all of one second why he is accompanying Chishiya out of the executive's corridor.

So he was made into an executive, then. He must've been why Usagi was here before, if he was at the executives' meeting. If that was the case, you don't blame him for looking as if the world had done him a great wrong - any normal person spending an hour with those people would have most likely come out with the same expression. You give him the same smile you had given Usagi earlier, and he returns the gesture with a slight bow of the head. He casts a furtive glance at Chishiya who gives him a small nod, looking wholly entertained, which Arisu takes as his cue to leave. 

The relief is apparent on Arisu's face as he turns to retreat, most likely to reunite with Usagi. You watch the man walk hurriedly away, and Chishiya pretends to watch him as well but really watches you instead.

You can feel his gaze on you like the trace of a phantom hand against your cheek, and you know that if you were to turn and meet his eyes at that very moment, you would find them to be full of gentle half-moons. In every stolen second Chishiya has been looking at you with that strangely implacable expression, as if you wouldn't notice.

Of course, you always do notice, but he doesn't need to know that. 

You take your time turning back to face him, giving him a moment to allow the honey to slip out of his eyes. Hiding a smile, you reach for his hand. He allows you to hold it with the usual sigh, and his grasp is as warm as the way he looks at you. You don't know if he even realises it himself, how often his eyes seem to stray to you.

"Do you remember that woman? The one called Kiko, from the other day." you ask him. 

"The one with the formidable right hook?" he muses.

"That's the one."

Chishiya hums. "What about her?"

"She's outside, talking to Kuina." You tell him, pointing vaguely in the direction of the two women out the window.

Chishiya seems to get the gist of what you're saying.

"Are you suggesting we eavesdrop on another's private matters?" Chishiya says, smirking. "I'm well above such childish activities, if that's what you are implying."

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