2. Him

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When I entered the building it was really huge and luxurious, white colour everywhere with a cafeteria in a corner and few meters away a big staircase leading to the upper floors. And elevators at many places. Glass surrounding a fountain and flowers in the middle of the building behind the reception desks. It really is beautiful, nice decorated.

Then a woman walked towards me and bowed when she approached me then spoke up politely "Hello sir, you're in the CEO Kim's company, Plenteen for engineering, decorating and designing. May I know how I can help you?"

"Uh.. H-hello" I bowed with my cap in my hands "I came here searching for work, is this company under the name of CEO Kim Minjun?"

"Yes sir, what can I help you with?"

"Mr. Kim gave me a job Invitation three days ago, I wonder if he's here?"

"Of course, please follow me" She smiled and gestured to me to go first.

I was shocked of how big the building is. 'I'm sure he paid millions of money' I thought while checking the place around me.

We arrived to his office as I think, and she said I can go in after she came out of the office.

I knocked then entered, even his office is amazingly big.

"Hello! you are Jeon Wonwoo aren't you, Please take a seat here" He waved his hand to me to come in.

"Hello sir" I walked to him and bowed then sat after he sat down.

"So you really came for the work, am I wrong?" I shock my head as an answer. "Great, but we have things we need to discuss first, Wonwoo"

"Sure" I smiled.

"You really need to be very patient first of all before we begin" He sighed and I felt nervous of what he'll talk about.

"I wanted someone to tutor my son, or to have an eye on him, he's very reckless and hate to be ordered"

I saw the sad look on his face, I felt a little sad too. His father isn't young enough, looks like in his 50s.

"Do you like tea or coffee?" He asked while placing his hands on the two kettles.

"Coffee thanks"

He handed me the coffee cup then took his and sipped from it.

"I'm going to say everything about him so that it'll be easier for you, listen carefully" He continued "He'll be 21 in a few months and is in 2:nd year at university, I bet you already know but anyway, he has many friends but most of them are just because he's my son. He's raucous and rarely comes home early, always out with his friends, at parties or somewhere I don't know where. He is closest to his friend Eino, they've grown up together and entered the same school through the years so I can say they know everything about each other. He always skips his classes but I don't even know how he gets good grades but this year he has fallen behind in his studies, he hang out very much those past two months and doesn't come until 1 or 2am. His mother is always worried about him and can't sleep until he comes back" He stopped for a while then said "Sorry I talked too much"

"No no it's alright continue, I'm listening"

"... As I said he's loud and very bold too like I mean it, he need to learn manners. I wished he was like his sister. And don't be fooled by his look, he is tall, flirty, muscular and all this new generations nonsense, as his father I know him more than anyone else. His friends call him tree or pole, that's funny to be honest" He chuckled while looking outside through the glass window "Doesn't like to study, plays too much on his phone, doesn't do his homework or the work I give him and other coworkers here volunteer to do it for him. That's relieving that we finish our work successfully. He likes to do what he wants and doesn't listen to anyone, only to his sister, I think he appreciate her very much. I don't know if I missed something but that's what I have in mind now. So I want you to be his private secretary and take care of him and teach him, like his bodyguard, can you do it?"

I was surprised of how this kid is and how I may deal with him. His dad is obviously showing how much effort he put on him. But the relationship with his sister, I liked it.

"Yes sir, I'll try my best"

"Haha, please be careful he is very playful and all of his past secretaries quit because of him, he was playing around and mostly pranking them" He laughed and I smiled.

"I still love him and want him to listen to me, it's for his own sake"

"I know" I mumbled and gulped the last drop of coffee in my cup.

"You're smart Wonwoo, is that a deal?" He patted my shoulder and I smiled at him then said 'of course'. And suddenly the door opens.


It's been a veeery long time since I last updated!
Also happy new year everyone

Hope you enjoyed, bye

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