The Zephyr landed in a field in the middle of Poland as everyone got off the ship and stood in the center

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The Zephyr landed in a field in the middle of Poland as everyone got off the ship and stood in the center. Phil looked at everyone ready to tell them where they have to go, "Alright. We have no clue where the staff is and who took it, but we will divide and conquer to find something. May, you're to stay here and that's an order." Melinda opened her mouth to object but closed her mouth, knowing she wouldn't win. Aaron looked at her before looking back at Phil waiting for the directions. "Everyone divide and meet back here in an hour. Go!" Phil commands, causing everyone to leave, as Aaron walked over to Melinda and placed a hand on her arm. She looked at Phil with confusion as to why he was benching her, "Why am I stuck here?" Phil turned to her and began to explain why, "For your safety. You just recently woke up from being unconscious, and Aaron would agree with me on this, we don't want anything else to happen to you." Melinda sighed and walked back onto the plane to watch over the cameras. Aaron walked onto the plane after her determined to figure out what is wrong with her. "Hey, you ok?" Aaron asks as Melinda sighed as she began to work on the comms, "I'm fine. You should go." Aaron grabbed her by the forearm and turned her towards him, "I'm not going until you tell me what's wrong!" She sighed again and turned to him with slight anger because she wants to go on this mission. He could see the determination in her eyes to help with this mission, even after what happened to her. "I just want to be useful and helpful." Melinda answered, making Aaron pull her into a hug and she returned it. He ran his fingers through her hair softly as she calmed down. "You are helping. You helped Fitzsimmons figure out the staff and ended up going completely unconscious because of it. We all care about you and don't want that to happen again. So please stay here and don't worry too much about it, ok?" Aaron comforts her, making Melinda nod her head letting him let go with the rest. He kissed her head before walking over to David and Phil, who were waiting for him. Melinda watched as they walked away, before going to the cameras as Phil had them all have body cameras on, so if something bad happens they can re watch what happened and figure out how to deal with everything. She began to watch Derek and Daisy's cam and saw them looking at a TV display. The TV was talking about the staff and mentioned that it was in a abandoned building close by. She fought with herself internally, wondering if she should go or not before finally deciding. She opened the ramp again and ran to a motorcycle and left after vanishing the Zephyr.

Two Teams in One

Derek and Daisy were walking around Poland when they got to a small place with shops. Derek looked at her as she was looking at kids going by, "How come Coulson didn't want Agent May to touch the staff in the first place?" Daisy looked at him with a knowing look on her face. She seemed to be telling everything about Melinda lately. "We were on a mission where we were finding all three pieces of the staff before. Ward, a member who betrayed us, found Dr. Randolph with a piece of it. Well you know what happens when you touch the staff." Daisy started and Derek nodded. "Well, we found the third piece but the people who found the first decided to fight us and Ward defeated most of them until the couple came to fight back. May took over, but it didn't affect her as it did for everyone else. Still Coulson worried about her because of what happened in Bahrain." Derek had a look of shock, "Wow. So this time with all four, it affected her?" Daisy nodded as they get to a TV display and watched what it was showing. It talked about what they were searching for, and they heard the location that was close to the Zephyr. Derek looked at Daisy alarmed, "Agent May wouldn't leave the plane for that, right?" Daisy didn't answer and walked back towards the Zephyr with Derek in tow. They get to the field and she stopped but he didn't. The Zephyr was cloaked so they couldn't see it, Derek wasn't stopping, she hoped Melinda would uncloak it before he hurt himself. She didn't though and he sprinted into the plane making Daisy wince hearing him groan in pain. She walked over to him, "You alright?" He nodded and looked at her as he rubbed his forehead, "Yeah. She's not here so that means, what?" Daisy put the pieces together, "She must've went to the building that Coulson and them went to!" Daisy turned the cloak off and got on with Derek following her. She got to the garage part of the plane and saw a motorcycle missing and sighed. Derek looked at her concerned, "What is it?" Daisy gestured to all the motorcycles and a spot to where the motorcycle Melinda took was, "A motorcycle's missing." Derek saw and looked at her confused, "How?" She sighed, "May." Derek's eyes widened at her response he hasn't known that woman for long but knows she can do a lot. Daisy nodded her head filling the blanks. "She can drive motorcycles too?" Derek asks in shock and she nodded with a look of slight envy, "Yeah. She can do a lot. Kind of jealous, but that's what you get training for most of your life." Daisy grabbed a comm and put it in her ear as Derek was off to the side listening in. She pressed it and when it beeped she began to talk. "Coulson. It's Daisy and Der! May is headed in your direction! She saw our body cams and saw your location!" Daisy told her boss and Phil replied, "Thanks Daisy and Morgan! We'll keep an eye out!"

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now