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"Wake up! Y/N, wake up!" I heard my mother, Narcissa, shout from across the hall.

I awoke suddenly, as she had frightened the life out of me. I rose out of bed so quickly, I had forgotten I had a bunk bed.

"Ouch!" I screamed, as I slammed my head against the top bunk.

"Y/N, you're stupid." Draco said to me, as he began snorting with laughter.

Draco was my twin brother. Although I loved him, he wasn't my favorite person in the world. He had a shitty personality, and overall, was a bully. He was excited, because today we were leaving for our first day at Hogwarts. As for me, I wasn't so excited. My family had set standards for us, saying how we must do this and must do that. I was terrified.

"Hello, my devious children," my father, Lucius, said. "Are you almost ready? We must leave soon for platform 9 ¾. We cannot be late".

"Yes father, we're almost ready," Draco and I responded in unison. I gave him a glare. I didn't like when said the same thing.

"Alright then. Need I remind you of what's expected?" Lucius exclaimed.

"No Father." We once again said in unison.

"Of course we would be placed in Slytherin Father, where else would we be placed? A-And the boy, what's his name again- Oh! Potter! We will make friends with him as well, straight away." Draco explained to Lucius.

"Good." Lucius replied, motioning them out to the fireplace. "We must use floo powder to get there. Take some floo powder, step in the fire place, and say King's Cross VERY clearly. Do you understand? He asked.

"Yes Father." We replied.

"So... Y/N, would you like to go first?" Draco asked me.

"What Draco, are you scared?" I asked, giggling.

"Wha- No, I-" He stuttered.

"It's fine to be scared Draco. You always are. Of course I'll go first," I replied to my brother. I took a step into the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder out of my Father's hand. "King's Cross!" I shouted, thowing the floo powder downward. The next thing I knew, me and my belongings were at King's Cross. I waited for my parents and Draco to arrive, before walking over between platforms nine and ten.

"Here we are," Narcissa said softly, "I love you guys. I just know you'll do great at Hogwarts."

"Are you not coming through the wall with us?" I asked, nervously.

"Well Y/N, you see, many wizards and witches on the other side do not like people like us. It's best for us to just seperate now." Narcissa replied.

"Oh. Okay," I said slightly disapointed. "So, I just, run through?"

"Yep. Goodbye Y/N." Narcissa said to me.

"Goodbye Mother," I said, sprinting towards the wall. Before I knew it, I was at Platform 9 ¾. There were young wizards, running all around. As I navigated my way through them, the conductor shouted,

"Train is leaving in five minutes! Five minutes everyone!"

Oh no! I'm not gonna make it! I thought to myself. Without even thinking twice about Draco, I ran onto the train.

As soon as I boarded the train, I needed to find somewhere to sit. Since it was my first year, I really didn't know anyone. I walked up and down the train until I approached a cabin with 3 kids in it, who seemed about my age. I slid the door open and said, "Hello, I'm Y/N. Y/N Malfoy. There's no other seats on the train, do you mind if I-"

"Of course not!" A young boy with hair as dark as night, and emerald green eyes explained. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter. Oh! And this is Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger."

I had heard about the Weasleys many times in the past from my father, how they were supposed blood traitors, and how they were poor. But none of that mattered to me. I wasn't like my classist family.

I walked into the cabin, slid the door shut, and sat down. All four of us talked for the long ride to Hogwarts. What I thought would feel like forever went by extremely fast, and we arrived at Hogwarts quicker than I could blink.

After we got into the castle, I saw Draco for the first time since King's Cross. He glared at me angerly, but honestly, I didn't care. I wanted to stay as far away from Draco and my family as I could get while I was at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall, the head of Gryffindor, led us down the the Great Hall where all the first years were to  be sorted into their houses. I was really nervous for the sorting ceremony, because my father would be furious with me if I got anything but Slytherin. And honestly, he would probably disown me if I was sorted into Gryffindor. But I didn't want my house to be what my father wanted. I wanted it to reflect my values, not his.

"One at a time, first years will come up and put on the sorting hat," McGonagall called out. "First off, Hannah Abbott!"

I watched the little blonde girl walk up and sit on the stool. The hat hesitated only a moment befire shouting, "Hufflepuff!"

The whole of Hufflepuff house began cheering. Hannah walked over to the Hufflepuff table.

"Next up, Harry Potter!" McGonagall shouted. Tension in the room grew. Everyone wanted to see who's house would hold the Harry Potter.

The hat sat for a while. Under his breath Harry began to say "Not Slytherin," but the hat interupted him.

"Not Slytherin, eh? Slytherin would lead you on your way to greatness, there's no doubt about that!" The hat contemplated for another few moments before shouting, "Gryffindor!"

Gryffindor went wild, as Harry quickly rushed to sit down. Hermione and Ron also got sorted into Gryffindor, and Draco got sorted into Slytherin. What a surprise.

"Y/N, Malfoy!" McGonagall shouted. I walked up to the sorting hat and it shouted, "Gryffindor!"

I looked over to Draco, who had an extreme concern showing across his face. Draco may be upset, but I was ecstatic. I went over to Gryffindor table and sat with my new friends I had made on the train.

It was going to be a great year.

So Right, Yet So Wrong. (HARRY X READER)Where stories live. Discover now