first encounter

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Gipsy looked at the teenage girl in the medical bay with pure hate as her eyes were locked on the kaiju aspects of the girl as she lay unconsciously in the med bay. "What is that?" Brooklynn asked trying to get a better look but couldn't. Gipsy then hoisted her up to look and Brooklynn gasped silently. "What's wrong with her arms and legs?" Brooklynn asked pointing at the girls arms and legs. 

"She's got Kaiju aspects to her body Brooklynn." Gipsy replied with venom in her voice the whole time. 

"What's a kaiju?" Brooklynn then asked unsure of what a kaiju even was. 

"The Kaiju are evil monsters that tried to destroy the world, Jaegers like me were built to combat the kaiju." Gipsy explained and Brooklynn let out a silent "oh". 

"Is she evil?" Brooklynn asked and Gipsy looked in at the teenage woman which she noticed had just moved her hand slightly. 

"All Kaiju are evil, but since she's part human. I don't know." Gipsy answered as the woman's eyes opened and she shot up in the medical berth. The woman got to her feet and walked up to the one-sided glass and looked into it as if she could see Gipsy and Brooklynn looking at her. 

Brooklynn looked at Gipsy who had locked eyes with the woman and the two stared at each other. amber eyes looking into neon blue. "A Jaeger raising a human child? Such useless nonsense." The woman snarled and Gipsy's gaze hardened even more. 

"Say that to my face you kaiju scum." Gipsy growled aggressively and Brooklynn looked at first her guardian jaeger then the kaiju-human-hybrid who's lips were curled into a snarl. She then backed away but suddenly slammed into the glass shattering it by using her shoulder spikes. 

The woman then pounced at Gipsy and Brooklynn fell to the floor. Gipsy kicked the woman off of her and then scrambled to her feet. The woman slashed Gipsy hard on her chest and the mark III screamed in pain. 

Brooklynn kicked the woman in the shin and she turned to face the five year old. The woman then picked her up by the throat. "Let's see how much pressure it takes to crush your windpipe." The woman said with a sadistic smile on her face however that's when the sound of a shotgun being fired rung out. 

The woman yelped in pain and dropped Brooklynn on the floor and turned to face whoever had shot her. Striker eureka cocked the shotgun again and aimed at the woman. "Smile ya ugly bitch." Striker stated as he fired it again and the woman stumbled backwards in pain. 

Puma real then entered as well holding a desert eagle and he fired it at the woman as well as he helped Gipsy get to her feet. The woman then grabbed Brooklynn and held her like a shield. Striker lowered his shotgun and the woman smiled. "That's right jaegers, back away." The woman snarled as she backed away but still held Brooklynn like a shield. 

However that's when another gunshot rung out and the woman screamed in pain and clutched her arm dropping Brooklynn in the process who was caught by Crimson typhoon's third arm. Crimson held the assault rifle like a bat and slammed it into her head knocking the woman out cold but also breaking the stock off of the rifle . "Thank you." Brooklynn said as Crimson carried her back over to Gipsy. 

"Now can someone tell me." Crimson said. "What the fuck was that thing?!" 

"That was the kaiju-human-hybrid Nova and Eden found on the beach." Puma stated crossing his arms as Gipsy hugged Brooklynn. 

"Well she's resilient, I'll giver her that." Crimson said and Striker nodded in agreement and then said. 

"No normal human could've survived two shotgun blasts to the chest and still be alive after that." The woman was then placed inside of a cell with chains bounding her to the wall. 

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