CHAPTER 49- Where has life taken me?

Start from the beginning

Veer hurried out of his house with his mind swamped with thoughts as to what could possibly go wrong that Nina called him and not Arjun, meanwhile Nina paced around her cabin freaking out.

Veer raced out of his car and speed walked towards Nina's cabin when he was stopped by a receptionist. Getting his approval, Veer ran into Nina's cabin to find her on the ground looking weak.

Tensing immediately he was by her side with a anxious feeling.

"Ninu what happened?" he questioned helping her on her feet.

"I need your help." she finally spoke and handed him the paper and photographs in her hand.

Taking them, he let go of Ninu carefully and examined them.

The confusion from his face faded and was soon replaced with anger and rage.

"What the fuck is this?" he questioned in an angry tone.

"I don't know, and this too." she handed him another set of papers which happened to be the divorce papers.

His expression soon took shape of pure shock.

"What the-?" he looked at her for more information.

"I've been getting threats like this for a while now but I ignored them although I don't think I can anymore." she explained briefly still feeling anxious like she was being watched.

Hugging herself she gazed around in hopes of finding the hidden camera or something.

"Where are the others?" he asked pointing to the threat paper.

She handed him the rest including the one on her phone.

"The person has your number?" he spat angrily. However his anger was directed to the one doing all this not Nina.

She just nodded in response.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he interrogated, with a softer tone.

"I didn't take it seriously but now I'm scared." she stated sighing and biting her bottom lip nervously.

"I'm calling Arjun." he took out his phone only to be snatched by Nina.

"No no no no. We can't all. Please." her pleading voice made him more puzzled and concerned.

"Why not? Arjun is the only one who can help us with this!" he argued back.

"Did you not read what they say?" she fired back trying her level best to keep her voice down.

"I did but its not like he or she will  actually do it!"  Nina's look troubled him.

"What are you not telling me?" he asked worried as to what she has to say.

She told him....she told him all about finding the note on the day of Kajol's accident and that it was caused by that person.

A surprised and dumbfound expression took over his face as he digested everything she just told him.

The silence in the room was soon broken my Nina's phone ringing catching them both off guard causing them both to flinch.

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