Chapter Two: Rachel's Mom

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Jason sat on the couch drinking beer as the others arrived up. Cora sat on the couch too opposite to Jason, listening to music with one AirPod in, playing on her phone. Dick and his friends walked in.

"Who are your friends," Jason asked, Cora drawing her attention to the new arrivals.

"Not important," Dick replied.

"Who are the kids," the Pink Haired lady asked.

"Not important," Dick repeated.

"Harsh," Cora said.

"Wanna brew?" Jason offered the Green Haired boy.

"Yeah I d-," he stated but was soon cut off by Dick.

"No he doesn't, no one wants a brew."

"I do," Cora pipped up as Jason gave the rest of his drink to her.

"Hi, I'm Rachel," the Purple Haired girl said.

"I'm J-," Jason started before Cora interrupted.

"An asshole?" she said.

"Am not, bitch," he said back.

"Dick," Cora bickered.

"I think that's offensive," Jason said eyeing Dick.

Cora just shrugged her shoulders at him.

"I'm Jason, and that's Cora," Jason replied to Rachel putting his hand out. But before she could shake it Dick interrupted.

"Okay, who we are doesn't matter right now. Can we just chill out, relax. Sit on the couch and watch TV or something?"

"When did you get another one?" came the Green Haired boy looking at Dick's and Janson's Robin cases.

"That ones mine," Jason said proudly.

"Yours? What you're Robin too?" The boy asked.

"I thought you were Robin?" Rachel asked walking over the the cases.

"I am," Dick said sternly.

"He was," Jason pointed out.

"Wait, how many Robin's are there. Are there a lot, 'cause I would love to-," the Green Haired boy said excitedly.

"Okay, quiet," the Pink Haired lady said. "Sit." The Purple and Green haired kids sat while the lady and Dick went to the bathroom.

"Can I be Robin?" the Green whispered from across the room.

"Oh my god," Rachel whispered back.

"No. Two Robin's are enough. Especially with this asshole here thinking he's the next big thing," Cora spoke taking a swig of the beer.

"Well no one asked you to come with me," Jason bickered back.

"Well I didn't have a choice. It was either come with you so you wouldn't screw up the mission. Or to stay in Gotham with Bruce doing absolutely nothing," she said taking another sip of the drink before Jason came over and grabbed it off her.

"You still chose to come with me," Jason smirked gulping the beer down.

"Bite me," Cora bickered back, leaning towards Jason.

"Beg for it," Jason played along.

"If you wanted me on my knees so badly, you could've just asked," Cora taunted as her and Jason stared into each others eyes, as if it was a staring contest.

Someone cleared their throat awkwardly and Cora looked over. "I could have you on your knees in seconds," Jason muttered before moving away.

"I have to ask. What's with the hair?" Cora changed the subject, looking from the Green to Purple. "Like Green, Purple and Pink? Are yous in some kind of circus act?"

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