Date 1 for Smith

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Sam's POV:
I was staying at Teneille's place as I had no home really and I never wanted to go back to the house where I was raped and abused constantly. It was a Saturday so Ross and Teneille didn't need to go to work and neither did I. Smith came round at about 9:00 to pick me up. There was a knock at the door and various barks and Teneille yelling shut up, she was playing Assassin's creed and Ross was watching. "See ya guys," I called as I went for the door.
"See ya Sam, have fun," Teneille called back. I smiled, calmed myself and then opened the door.
"Hey, ready to go," I was greeted by Alex.
"Yep pretty much just nervous."
"Don't be it's Smith," Teneille called from the lounge room. I laughed and Smith went a bit red and we walked out the door before the dogs decided to push past me. Smith opened the door for me.
"Madam," he said gesturing to the door.
"Don't call me madam ever again," I said getting in. He laughed.
"Just like Teneille." I got in.
"Well I am her sister from another mister."

As we drove to Starbucks I decided to ask something because I forgot to ask Teneille and well she couldn't tell me before now. "Hey Alex."
"How long have you known Teneille for."
"Ummm one year actually to this day."
"Wow that's cool in its own special way."
"It is really." We just got to Starbucks had a coffee but then decided to go for a walk in the park. I saw the tree that Teneille and I always used to sit in and just talk about random stuff or go there to exchange secrets and when a secret was told in the tree it stayed with its leaves. "Hey Smith can you climb," I said starting to climb up the tree.
"Calling me Smith now are we and yes," he climbed up as well.
"Everyone else does so force of habit I guess."
"So why climb the tree."
"Because it's a place Teneille and I came to just get away from the world and be in our own little world."
"That's something nice to think about then," Smith said. He stayed standing up as he didn't want to sit down. I laughed at him. "What," he said.
"Sit down its perfectly safe."
"How can you possible know that." I stood up and jumped on the branch that I was on a couple of times and it barely moved. "See safe." I pretended to slip but I had held onto the branch above me.
"Shit me, I thought you actually fell," Smith said holding onto my waist.
"Done that before and learnt, and ummm Alex your umm."
"Right," he moved his hands from my waist and wiped them and we had a moment of awkward silence.

Ross's POV:
I was just watching Teneille play Assassin's Creed 3 again, because her and I had nothing better to do. She was fighting a about 10 people, 3 tough and 7 not so much. "Oh come on eat some! Eat my sword!" She was yelling at the screen. She was sitting up with her elbows on her knees, she was getting serious now. "Whoo eat that shit mudda truckers." I laughed, this girl was perfect. I didn't have to marry her to make her happy, I could talk to her like she was my best friend and she told people to eat shit. "What chu laughing at," she looked at me. I already had a pillow on my lap so she just lay down on the pillow. "You, is what I'm laughing at." She smiled.
"And why is that exactly."
"I don't have to marry you to make you happy, I can talk to you like you're my best friend and you tell things to eat shit. That's just perfect." Teneille laughed and paused her game. She sat up a bit and moved the pillow then sat on me so she was facing me and kissed me. When we broke away for air we had our foreheads together and she laughed before getting off me and putting the pillow back and lying down again. I became deep in thought for a moment. "What are ya thinking about Ross."
"How we have been together for almost a year yet you still never call me honey, babe or anything like that."
"Neither have you." She just kept playing her game.
"Well because you didn't so I thought maybe you didn't want me to."
"And your right I don't." Teneille paused the game and just looked at me. "Why not," I asked. "Well in my first adopted family they called each other babe and honey whilst they beat me. Babe, hit her on the face more, ok honey but make sure bruises don't show up." I stayed silent not really knowing what to say. "And Joe he called Chrissy babe, hon and honey but then he ended up beating her so I just don't like the terms, it just brings back the memories." I pushed a piece of hair out of her face. "I love you."
"I love you to." I leant down and kissed her forehead and she continued to play.

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