Day 1835 (Epilogue)

Start from the beginning

"So," I say, turning back to Katsuki, "what do you feel like doing today?"

"We can do whatever you want during the day," he replies. "The only thing I have planned for us is later tonight. I booked a dinner reservation for us at The Plaza. Make sure you wear your best suit."

I raise my eyebrows. "The Plaza? Seriously?"

He gives a smug grin. "Yup. Rooftop. I paid extra so we'll have the entire roof to ourselves."

"That had to have cost-"

"Over a million yen," he says. "Yeah. But you're worth it."

"That's still a lot of money."

He shrugs. "It's not like it's gonna hurt my wallet," he says. "You make really good money as a Top Five hero." He smirks at me. "Not that you'd know, of course."

I roll my eyes with a chuckle. Katsuki and I cracked into the top ten on the Japanese Hero Billboard Charts two years ago, but only he managed to break into the top five, a feat he conquered earlier this year when he ranked at number four. I'm still at number seven, which I'm perfectly fine with. Katsuki's proud of me too, obviously, but he still manages to remind me at least five times a day that he has a higher hero ranking than me.

Once we finish eating, Katsuki takes my hand from across the table. "Anything you wanna do now?"

I flash a shy smile. "Can we exchange gifts?"

He snorts. "How did I know you were gonna say that?"

After we clean our dishes in the kitchen, Katsuki carries me to the bedroom and throws me on the bed. I let out a giggle as my back hits the mattress, only for it to be cut off when Katsuki climbs in after me and seals his lips over mine. We kiss playfully for a little while, me pulling away for good when I grow too eager about gifts. It's not that I'm overly excited to get my gift from Katsuki. Well, I am, but not as excited as I am to give him his gift. I bought it months ago and it's been killing me to keep it a secret.

"Present time," I say, swinging my legs off the bed and running into my closet. His present now in hand, I emerge back into the bedroom and extend it to him. "You first."

Katsuki bursts into laughter upon witnessing how poorly I wrapped it. Wrapping paper covers the box at several weird angles, some sides having way more layers than others. But hey, at least the bow on top looks pretty.

"You are so cute," he chuckles.

However, his smile drops when he rips off the paper and opens the box, revealing the contents inside. He holds his breath for a few seconds, blinks repeatedly as he registers what he's looking at, then stares at me in astonishment.

"Babe!" he says, beaming at me. "Are you serious?"

I smile back at him, my heart doing somersaults in my chest. "Happy anniversary."

"Fuck!" Katsuki says, grabbing one of the boots out of the box and rotates it in his hand. His excitement is contagious and it only makes me smile wider.

I had the boots custom made. They're predominantly black, though there is orange detailing in it. Their signature design, however, is the little explosion symbol on the outer midsole. Mountain climbing is one of Katsuki's favorite activities, but his other climbing boots are nearly worn out. He did make a comment about buying a new pair in the fall, but I figured I'd beat him to it.

Katsuki places the boot back in the box and sets it aside on the bed. He extends his hand for me to grab, which I do, and then pulls me into his lap.

He kisses me. And then he kisses me again. And again, because he's adorable like that. "I love you so much," he whispers.

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