Day 3, Part 2

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I lie flat on my own towel as I soak up the rays, Bakugou's towel still tightly wrapped around me. The only part of my body exposed below my waistline is my feet. I don't keep track of time, but I assume it's been at least thirty minutes since I've been lying like this. 

At least everyone else is enjoying themselves. Iida is leading a water aerobics workout with most of the girls and Aoyama. Tetsutetsu has a picnic date set up on his towel for himself and Kendou. Ojiro and Hagakure are making out in the ocean, which interesting sight to say the least. But hey, love is love. 

I flip onto my stomach so any tan I get is even on both sides. My eyes are closed and I almost fall asleep. In fact, were it not for the feeling of my towel being ruffled as if someone just laid down on it, I probably would have.

I open my eyes and peer to my right. Yaoyorozu is now lying beside me, also on her stomach.

"Come play Marco Polo with us."

I shake my head. "I can't."

"You can't just lay out in the sun all day without spending time with any of us. I won't allow it. Plus, you're not even doing it right." She gestures to Bakugou's towel. "You'll be two different shades if you cover your entire lower half while you're tanning."

I flip onto my back again. "I don't have a choice," I say quietly. There's no one else around, but I'm still embarrassed about the situation to fake any confidence in my voice.

Yaoyorozu raises a curious brow. "You're not naked under there, are you?"

I sigh. "I may as well be."

"I'm sure it's not bad. Can I see?"

I unwrap the towel from where it's tucked in, not thinking twice. Yaoyorozu's seen me in my underwear before. When we moved into dorms during our first year, she and I had a lot of sleepovers because she hated sleeping alone in an unfamiliar place. It was only when she started dating Jirou that we stopped having them, given that she then had other late night activities she'd rather be doing.

I lift enough of the towel up so Yaoyorozu can see what's underneath, still shielding myself from everyone else. She just tilts her head in confusion.

"I don't get it," she says. "It looks fine."

"Are you serious? It's way too short."

She shrugs. "All I see are the results of all the hard work you've put in at the gym this year. Seriously, your legs look amazing."

I stifle a laugh. "You're only saying that because you haven't seen the back. It looks ridiculous."

"I'm sure it's not that bad." She stands up and offers me her hand. I accept it reluctantly, my other hand still gripping hard on the towel so it won't drop.

"Bakugou agreed with me that it shows too much skin," I tell her. I'm grasping at straws so I don't have to take this stupid towel off. I really want to enjoy time at the beach with my friends, but I also don't want to make a fool of myself.

"Well I don't care what Bakugou says," she replies. She gestures to her own swimsuit. "It's not like you're the only one here showing off skin. It's summer."

She's not wrong. Yaoyorozu's bikini is almost as revealing as my bathing suit, maybe even more so. It's not like she can help it as she's naturally gifted in the chest department. My classmates buried Mineta up to the neck in sand to keep him from touching her inappropriately, which I'm in full support of.

When putting that into perspective, my hold on the towel loosens. Yaoyorozu looks amazing, which isn't out of the ordinary. But the point is even when she's in an outfit that leaves little to the imagination, no one can make her feel uncomfortable about it because she wears it with confidence. Maybe if I show that same confidence, then I can enjoy myself too and not worry about the opinions of outsiders.

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