Day 4, Part 2

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The town center at Yasuragi Island is easily distinguishable by its clock tower. It's a grand silver decor piece that probably costs more than my house, and that's saying something. According to the island brochure, it's the tallest landmark on the island. I believe it. Even when we were miles away at one of the beaches yesterday, we could still see it in the distance.

The rest of Yasuragi Island is relatively low to the ground. Most of the buildings are only one level. Not a lot of people actually live here, the island mostly living off of tourism. But there's still a sense of community here that I find adorable. Honestly, when I retire from being a pro hero, I may consider moving here.

Aizawa addresses our group. "All right, everyone is to meet up right here in three hours. Make sure you're keeping track of time. Understand?"

"Yes sir," we answer.

Aizawa nods. "Good. Have fun, then."

Once we're dismissed, a number of my classmates break off to explore the town. I watch Midoriya and Aizawa lead Eri into a store that sells crocheted stuffed animals. I lean against the fountain that's positioned in the center, peering over and seeing all the coins people have tossed in over the years, surely representing their wishes.

"Got anything you wanna wish for?"

I turn around and Bakugou is standing much closer to me than I anticipated. The discomfort must be evident on my face because he takes a respectful step back.

He takes two coins out of his pocket and holds them out. "Do you want to?"

I wrinkle my nose as I study his expression. "I didn't think making wishes was your thing."

He sighs. "It's not. But you'll look stupid as fuck if you do it by yourself. Plus no one else is around."

When he says no one, he just means the people from our group. There are plenty of people around, but they're other tourists we have no affiliations with. Though, I guess Bakugou doesn't care about maintaining his image to people he doesn't know. He probably considers them not even worthy of the term extras, but I don't know what word he'd use to describe them.

But still, he essentially admitted he wants to do this with me for my benefit, so I smile at him. "That's nice of you."

That doesn't go over well. He twists his lips into an unpleasant scowl as the lines in his forehead reveal themselves due to how hard he's scrunching his eyebrows. "Don't say shit like that, idiot. It's embarrassing."


Bakugou groans before placing one of his coins into my hand. His fingers brush against my palm as he does so. For someone with such a fiery personality, his touch is surprisingly gentle. He then stands beside me, our backs against the fountain.

"Over the shoulder," he says.


When thinking of something to wish for, I can't come up with anything. For all the trials and tribulations I've experienced from birth until now, I'm actually content with the way my life turned out. I have great friends, a loving mother, brother, and sister, and a promising hero career ahead of me.

What else can I ask for?

I find my answer when I exchange glances with the person standing next to me.

"Ready?" he asks.

It's silly, really. There's no way a little fountain in the middle of a random island holds any power to make this wish come true. Yet, the fact that I'm even considering making this wish tells me how badly I want it to come to fruition.

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