Can't Stop 2

582 34 9

Original request by PurpleButTAEfly

Part 2 request by PurpleButTAEfly



Taehyung had thought that he was out of danger now. It had been months since he'd had a serious asthma attack, and his alert had faded again. It wouldn't happen, he told himself. He was always overly optimistic. Sometimes, he forgot that he was still subject to whatever the sickfic writers would throw at him. He forever would be.


"You alright?" Hoseok asked.

Taehyung shrugged. He'd been tired all day. Now, as they sat down to eat dinner, it was on full display for all the others to see.

After Hoseok made his comment, Taehyung saw all the others glance to look at him at least once.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Quit it." Taehyung shook his head. Wow, today they were actually having rice. See, being Asian meant being happy about these little things.

"You've been so worn out," Jimin said. "Don't think that we haven't noticed."

Taehyung suppressed an eye roll. They weren't noticing anything, just making up nonsense. There wasn't any scientific reasoning behind anything they ever said.

"I'm fine," he said.

He saw the others sigh and reabsorb themselves into their food. He knew they weren't convinced. They were going to sit there and worry about something that wasn't even an actual issue. There were so many real issues out in the world, and Taehyung was sure they would be able to solve all of them if they put in the same amount of effort.

Seriously, Namjoon could create world peace if he used his brain hard enough.


The clock was striking midnight. Taehyung could hear its distant ding as he shot awake.

For the longest time, he'd been struggling to get to sleep. His room felt too stuffy. The windows were open, his covers had been thrown off, and he was wearing a loose set of pyjamas, but yet...

He had tossed and turned for a while before falling into a restless sleep. But now he was wide awake again, and he literally could not breathe. His vision was blinking white at the edges.

Taehyung tried to take a deep breath. His shoulders rose and his lungs tried to expand with the hope of incoming air. All it did was reduce him to a nasty coughing fit. The coughs burned his throat. He sat up quickly.

Gripping the bedsheets tightly with his fingers, Taehyung tried to calm himself down. The trick with these attacks was to be calm. At least, that's what he'd told himself anyway.

He tried to take another deep breath. In... out... oh fuck. He descended into another fit of coughing. Taehyung was sure that his face was red. Quickly, he tried to wrack his mind. Where had he put his inhaler? Hoseok had told him to put it somewhere safe and memorable. Taehyung meant to have done that, but you know, he was so busy and so tired and...

With his chest still wheezing and cracking, Taehyung slid off the bed to look for his inhaler. The first thing to check was the nightstand.

The shelves were chock full of random snack wrappers, chocolate, painkillers, and other completely useless stuff. Taehyung poked through it for a while, but he soon gave up.

Taehyung Oneshots and SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now