Returned Feelings?

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It's been a few days since Froze and the rest of her friends visited the beach. The nice and sunny weather from before had been replaced with an ongoing storm of continuous rain. Not to say that rain isn't nice, of course. It's just different. To Froze, the warmth from the sun provided a sense of happiness and excitement, while the rain gave off a calm and relaxing feeling. The two of them were unique in their own special ways and comparing them felt unfair. Both of them were lovely, especially put together. Two extraordinary things such as rain and sunlight put together could create something so beautiful together; a rainbow.

Froze had found herself distracted by the rain that she had almost forgotten what she was doing. Right, she was about to go over to Yosafire's house to help her study. Despite it being summer break, Yosafire still did miserably when it came to school, and Froze thought it might be a good idea to catch her up during the summertime, that way when it was time for school again she would have at least some idea about what they were doing. The two of them had discussed it prior to today and Froze wanted to make it there on time. Being late was inexcusable. She knew that Yosafire wouldn't mind too much, but it would be disappointing to herself if she didn't manage to keep track of time wisely.

The angel opened her closet doors and picked out an outfit to wear for the day. After putting it on, Froze tied her hair into her signature low twintails and freshened up a bit. Once she was ready, Froze grabbed an umbrella and opened it, walking out of her house and into the rain. The strong downpour pattered against her umbrella as she made her way to her dear friend's house, the water dripping off the sides of it and onto the ground. As soon as she reached Yosafire's house she lightly knocked on the door, and as expected, it immediately opened, revealing Yosafire.

"Froze!!" She smiled, motioning for her to come inside. Froze closed her umbrella and took a step into the cozy home. The sweet scent of flowers was always a nice thing to walk into when she was here. The angel set her umbrella aside and glanced back over at her demon friend, who was gazing at her fondly.

"So," Yosafire began. "What do you wanna do first Froze?"

"Weren't we going to study?" Froze asked, continuing to look at Yosafire.

"Well yeahhh, but..." Yosafire chuckled, "I want to spend time with my love! I don't mind what it is we do, really."

The pet name made Froze's face warm up, causing her to glance away in embarrassment. "Alright... you choose then."

"Hehe, okay! Hmm..." Yosafire tapped her chin in thought. "What about a board game?"

Froze nodded, still looking away from the girl standing in front of her. "We can do that."

"Yay!" Yosafire cheered. The demon quickly left the room to grab a game, leaving the angel alone with her thoughts. My love... that name. Froze could feel her face getting warmer at the thought of being called it again. Being called pet names by Yosafire was possibly one of the best things in existence.

Yosafire entered the room, balancing multiple colorful boxes in her arms. She walked over to her table and placed the boxes onto its surface. "I couldn't find the others, but I found Scrabble, Chess, Checkers, and Go. Which one do you wanna play?" She asked, turning over to look at Froze.

"Let's play chess," Froze suggested.

"...Ah," Yosafire giggled, " I was kinda hoping you weren't gonna pick that one cuz' I kinda forgot how to play..!"

"Wow, that's very shocking," Froze deadpanned. "We can play something else then."

"Nonono!" Yosafire shouted, "Let's play chess! I'll just need some stuff explained to me first, but I bet I'll start to remember as we keep on playing."

Interrupted Confessions (Yosafire x Froze)Where stories live. Discover now