Beach Visit...

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It had been two days since Froze's attempt (if you could even call it an attempt) at bringing up her feelings with Yosafire. Although her efforts resulted in failure, Froze was not one to give up easily. Today she would definitely talk about her feelings with her. Since the warm season of Summer had begun, Macarona suggested that their friend group went on a trip to the beach together. Thankfully, the beach wasn't too far from Gray village and all it would take was a short walk to reach their destination. It would be the perfect place to talk to Yosafire.

That is... if she managed to answer her door.

Froze knocked on the demon's front entrance for what seemed like the millionth time, sighing. "Yosaf..!" Froze loudly spoke, continuing to knock over and over again. She wasn't sure whether or not the girl was sleeping in or was actually getting ready. It wasn't rare for Yosafire to sleep in, but out of all days, Froze would've thought that today she would be wide awake and ready to go. Apparently not.

After a few more minutes of knocking, Yosafire's front door slammed open, revealing the happy-looking demon on the other side of it. "Froze! Sorry for the wait, hehe, let's go!" Yosafire exclaimed, taking a step out of her home and towards Froze. Froze, not having the energy to come up with a remark, simply nodded. The two of them made their way to the beach where the rest of the group awaited.

The salty smell of the sea wafted through the air, and the calming waves of the ocean calmed Froze's mind. Ah, the beach. What a wonderful place. Froze has walked along these sands many times before, but the breathtaking view had always managed to fascinate her. It was hard to believe that these beautiful blue skies and deep blue sea weren't always so peaceful.

Dialo and Chelan were sitting next to each other on the sand, while Rawberry and Macarona were standing knee-deep in the ocean, the pink-haired demon playfully splashing water at the angel while she trudged through the water in an attempt to get away. "Rawberry..!!" Macarona shouted, toppling over into the water with a loud splash. "Hehehe, oops. ♪" Rawberry giggled, walking over to the fallen girl to help her up.

"Froze, c'mon! Let's go play in the water!" Yosafire playfully explained, taking Froze by the hand and pulling her into the ocean alongside her. The four of them splashed around in the water with each other for god know's how long, occasionally being joined by Dialo and Chelan. The summer sun blazed down on them but they were too distracted by the fun that they were having to notice or care about it.

Once the excitement had calmed down, Dialo and Chelan had gone to grab ice cream for the group. A cold treat like that was the perfect thing to cool off on a sunny day like this one. Froze licked at her ice cream cone, throwing a few glances towards Yosafire as she did so. Yosafire hungrily devoured her own ice cream, repeatedly licking at it with a satisfied grin on her face.

"Ahh, this is so good!" The demon dramatically cried out, beaming over at Froze's cone. "Heya froze... if you let me get a lick of yours, I'll let you have some of mine."

Froze immediately shook her head, "No."

Yosafire frowned, "Why not?"

"Your mouth already touched it."

"But... it looks so good."




"Aww," Yosafire pouted, "Okay, you win!"

The two girls continued to eat their ice cream together in comfortable silence. Froze glanced back over to Yosafire once again, thinking. Maybe now would be a good time to tell her? The beautiful sight of the ocean in front of them and the pleasant sounds of the sea would set the mood rather nicely. Such a nice moment like this shouldn't go to waste... Alright, another opportunity has arisen and Froze was absolutely going to take it.

"...Yosaf?" Froze began.

Yosafire continued ravenously licking her ice cream cone but still looked over at her dear best friend, "Hmm?" She hummed in between licks. "I..." Froze paused, not knowing how to put her feelings into words. Why was this so difficult? She was able to express how fondly she felt about Yosafire a little while ago in the garden, so why couldn't she bring herself to do it now? This was so... hard. For no reason at all!

Before Froze could bring herself to say anything else, the sound of coughing beside her caught her attention quickly. "F-Froze!" Yosafire stuttered in between coughs. Froze's eyes widened and she immediately started patting her friend's back in an attempt to stop her from choking on her ice cream. "Gaghh, Fro-" Yosafire continued to cough yet still held on tightly to her snack. Dedication.

Once Yosafire's coughing had ceased, Froze stared at her with a concerned look, wide-eyed. "What was that?" She asked, attempting to steady her beating heart.

Yosafire glanced away with a guilty expression, "I may or may not have eaten my ice cream a bit too fast..." She explained, staring down at the almost-empty cone in her hand.

"You are such an idiot," Froze frowned. "I'm... I'm glad you're okay though. Be careful, alright? I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."

"Okay Froze, I'll be more careful," The guilty expression on Yosafire's face had been replaced by a soft smile. "Hehe, thanks for that," She spoke, fondly gazing over at the girl sitting next to her.

Froze nodded in response, breathing out a sigh of relief since her heart was still vigorously pounding from that unexpected event. Although she didn't get to say anything about her feelings to Yosafire, this time was still well spent. Any time with Yosafire was well spent, quite honestly. She had an aura to her that could brighten up a rainy day.

The rest of their time at the beach was relatively calm compared to what had transpired earlier. The friends built sandcastles (which Rawberry proceeded to destroy,) played in the sea, ate some more snacks, and enjoyed the sunny weather together. The weather was usually nice like this but Froze made sure to cherish days like these anyway. After all, you never know what could happen in the future. It's better to appreciate the things you have now than worry about what will happen later on in time.

Interrupted Confessions (Yosafire x Froze)Where stories live. Discover now