Chapter 1 -Master

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The Mugiwara Pirates, battered and bruised, sat around a treasure they had gone through so much trouble to acquire as their ship quickly sailed away from the gang of enraged, no-name pirates they had stolen from. It was a small treasure chest, worth about 400 million belli (about $4.4 million) according to Nami, but she was starting to doubt whether her information had been accurate. There was no way that this puny, tattered, shambles of a box could be worth as much as the rumour had led her to believe.

"Could this box be worth as much as people say?" Nami questioned, more to herself than anyone else. "Maybe," her eyes turned into glowing belli signs, "it's filled with diamonds the size of mikans~"

"Yohohohoho! My heart is all aflutter with anticipation! Oh, but I do not have a heart..." Brooke looked at a fuming Franky with what, it was anyone's guess, could have been described as a smile, but seeing as how Brooke didn't have any lips, it was hard to tell.

"Brrroooooooke...I'm gonna kill you, bro!" Even though Brooke was something close to Franky's best friend, his constant 'skull jokes' really pissed him off, and he would normally chase Brooke around the ship and scream at him till he was blue in the face, but the object sitting in front of him was far too interesting for him to be bothered with his friend's obnoxious sense of humour. "Maybe it's got a devil's fruit inside it." He said, instantly calming down after his minor outburst.

"Or maybe One Piece is inside it!" Chopper exclaimed. His eyes shined as he clapped his hooves together in excitement.

"Oi Chopper, do you think One Piece would've been this easy to find or this small for that matter, it would've been worth a lot more had it been the legendary One Piece. Also, do you think that that ratty and pathetic bunch of pirates could've gotten the legendary One Piece?" Usopp explained to the now disheartened doctor.

"Oh yeah..." Chopped mumbled, but his quivering frown quickly vanished as he prattled off new and more outrageous ideas as to what could be inside.

"Neh, Usopp," Luffy said, his voice dripping with seriousness. He had his arms crossed and he was staring at the box with incredible intensity.

"Nani, Luffy?" Just as seriously as his captain, looking at him with anticipation of what his next words could be, a thin layer of sweat resting on his forehead. But the sweat was probably due to the intense heat, they had just left a summer island after all.

Luffy glared down at the box for a moment longer before flopping over and whining childishly, "Why are we staring at it~ I wanna open the box al~ready!"\

"We can't just open it Luffy, we don't know what's inside. Plus," Sanji commented, releasing a waft of smoke from his lungs before he started dancing around like a love-stricken fool, "we haven't gotten the order to do so from our lovely Nami~swaaan!" He placed himself at Nami's feet and cooed up at her as Luffy sat up and continued to glare at the box. He noticed that it had a heavy-duty lock on the front that could not be opened with simple brute force...well, the brute force of the average man that is.

"Gomu Gomu no..." Luffy raised his fists in the air, "Open Sesame!" He cried, bringing both of his clenched fists down on the lock, effectively cracking it open; or rather, he completely obliterated it. The others just sighed at his impatience and lack of thought.

"How is it that you can invent moves on the spot and they always work?" Usopp asked, slapping the back of his hand against Luffy's chest.

"Dunno!" He exclaimed folding his arms and looking seriously at his crew.

"Oi, oi. There's no reason to be so proud of something like that." Sanji commented as he rolled and lit up a new smoke.

"Am I the only one who's dying to know what's inside?" Usopp asked, reaching forward to open the box a smidge, but only to have his hand promptly batted away by the protective navigator, whose eyes had yet to go back to normal.

"Not at all, Nagahana-kun," Robin said, taking a step towards their newly acquired treasure. "I've heard nothing in the rumours referring to the content of this chest. It's truly a mystery." She smiled at this, almost a hint of evil hidden behind it.

Usopp sweat-dropped, "I don't think I'll ever figure you out..."

"Let's open it~" Luffy whined again.

"Well...I guess we'll have to open it sooner or later but I think we should—" Usopp was interrupted by his surprise when Luffy finally took the initiative and flipped the lid of the box open, revealing a shining gold object. It was covered with intricate designs done in jade and was speckled with diamonds and rubies. The bellis in Nami's eyes seemed to glow even brighter.

"...Isn't that...?" Sanji trailed off, he didn't want to be the one who voiced such a ridiculous idea.

"Whoa-ho-hooo~ It's a Genie's Lamp! Sugei~" Luffy picked it up, but Nami quickly swatted it out of his hands, unfortunately causing Luffy's hands to give the lamp a slight rub.

"You idiot! If that was a Genie's Lamp, picking it up might've—" Nami didn't get to finish her lecture before the lamp started to glow a dull red. "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" She screamed as she started to shake Luffy back and forth. But her uncontrollable fury was instantly replaced with fear as a cloud of smoke started to make its way out of the lamp. "WAAHHHH!" She clasped hands with Usopp as they both trembled in fear. Chopper and Luffy looked on with shining eyes, exclaiming how cool it was. The cigarette had fallen out of Sanji's mouth and joined Brooke's jaw on the floor. Franky had taken his glasses away from his eyes and was staring at the ever-growing mass. Even Robin's eyes seemed to grow a little wider.

"W-W-W-Wha-Wh-What Are we going to dooo~" Usopp cried, his and Nami's knees buckling in unison.

"I dunnooooo~" She wailed. They both shrieked when shocks of lightning lit up the sky. A storm was brewing right above their ship.

"Holy shit, this thing's powerful." Sanji's commented as his fingers subconsciously rolled and lit him a new fag; he stuck it in his mouth and firmly clasped it between his teeth, trying to hide his unease about the situation.

"It seems to be taking form," Robin commented, once again levelheaded as usual. And indeed it was, the cloud that had once just been a shapeless blob now had what resembled the upper half of a man. The whole crew seemed to have gone into a stupor: no one cried, no one exclaimed their excitement, they all just stared, until a deep rumbling voice shook them out of their trance.

"Who..." The voice boomed. Nami and Usopp were down on their knees crying again, but the rest of the crew stayed motionless. "Who..." It spoke again.

The rest of the male portion of the crew swallowed audibly, everyone was on pins and needles. What was this rare being about to demand from them?

Suddenly, the genie yawned loudly, ruining his once terrifying presence. "Who...woke me up?" He said, they could see from his shadow that he was scratching the back of his head; they also saw him bring his other hand to his mouth as he yawned again. Everyone fell to the deck of the ship, completely dumbfounded. Even Robin joined them in this classic display of surprise and Genie's uncaring attitude.

Luffy was one of the first to stand up, "I did!" He exclaimed with a huge grin across his face.

"Then, I am to be your servant," The genie stepped out of the mist, he wore black knickerbockers that clung around his ankles, and he wore a shimmery, dark green sash around his waist. He was not wearing any shoes, he wore golden anklets which were loosely hanging on his ankles. He had three golden earrings in one ear with a simple golden head necklace as well as golden bands around each wrist. Lastly a corresponding band around his neck and one loosely on his hip. He had unusual, sea-foam green hair and beautiful tan skin with muscles that rippled as he moved. Topping it all off with two mysterious scares one from his left shoulder to his right hip, and one on his left eye. He stopped in front of Luffy and got down on one knee before looking up into his eyes. "Master."

( lol I hope you guys understand on what zoro looks like, his hair and eyes are the same. It's just his outfit which is different. :)
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