72. Woman's Heart

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  Whether on the battlefield or on missions, Gu Xingjin has gone through many life-and-death junctures, and he will only feel fortunate if he survives. Either military doctors and nurses saved him, or he went to the hospital to see a doctor.

But now there is a little girl who takes care of him carefully, asking for warmth, as if he is a fragile vase, which really makes him a little unaccustomed.

Of course, when Tang Bao wiped his body, he also felt a little embarrassed, so he closed his eyes, thinking that if she took off her pants, she would definitely stop her.

Fortunately, after Tang Bao wiped the sweat off his face and body, he asked him, "Brother Gu, are you hungry, can I cook some noodles for you?

" Looking at the big sun outside, I was once again fortunate to meet Tang Bao, otherwise I really don't know what would happen.

In the hut next door, the ribs have been cooking in a coal-fired oven, and the noodles have been cut before, and a large bowl was quickly cooked.

The white noodles and the pork ribs soup are hard to eat or not. There are also two pieces of stewed tender pork ribs on top, which makes Gu Xingjin, who has been hungry for a long time, growl in his stomach.

Tang Bao glanced at his injured right hand, and said empathetically, "Brother Gu, you can't use force on your shoulders now, let me feed you."

She understood that she was more than beautiful, not charming enough, and also young, so she could only feed you. In front of him, he showed that he was careful and caring for people.

Hey, I can't wait to tell him, if you marry me, I can help you take care of the younger siblings at home, you just go outside and fight, Sao Nian, no, he is already a young man

Gu Xingjin came back desperately before, now It is a crossbow with a strong bow. The high fever made him a little confused, and he really didn't want to move. Besides, he was not left-handed, so he thanked him in a low voice.

Tang Bao can still do a good job of feeding. After all, she took care of the grandchildren and granddaughters in his memory when they were young. The result of being too involved is that after feeding, he subconsciously said, "Baby. so nice"

Gu Xingjin twitched the corners of his mouth, ""I've been burned out, and now I have auditory hallucinations, so I need a good night's sleep.

As soon as the words came out, Tang Bao knew that he was wearing a gang, but seeing that he closed his eyes and had an abnormal blush on his wheat-colored skin, he knew that he was confused, and he should be able to fool him.

She was also afraid that he would burn stupidly, so she hurriedly put a towel on him, and her soft voice was filled with worry, "Brother Gu, don't sleep first, wait until you drink the medicine and then sleep.

" I just want to take advantage of his weakness now to find out if he has a target.

Hearing that she boiled medicine for himself, Gu Xingjin felt inexplicably that his life was hanging, but he could also feel that the wound on his shoulder was not bleeding like before, so just let her toss,

thinking that she had bandaged himself , hurriedly asked, "Don't throw the bandage I used before."

"Don't worry, I've already set it on fire." Tang Bao sat on the wooden stool to one side and began to say "Brother Gu, do you have a partner? Qian'er. Shaojin is here, and I'm very worried about when I will have a sister-in-law." That's

strange, people Shaojin are worried that she is in a bad mood, so they revolve around her, and they don't care when the big brother finds a partner.

Gu Xingjin really thought that his younger brother was thinking about his marriage, and said lightly, "Men should start a career first and then start a family, and I will talk about it when I settle down."

He didn't think his younger brothers and sisters were his drag, but in reality, like him With three younger brothers and sisters, it is really difficult to find a partner. Just like someone introduced him to a partner before, he hesitated when he heard the situation of his family.

But he wants face, which is naturally not good to tell the truth in front of other little girls, he can only use the prestige of starting a career and then starting a family.

When Tang Bao heard that he had no target, he wondered how to settle his affairs with him as soon as possible.

He is seriously ill now, and he is embarrassed to take advantage of him, but when he recovers, it will be difficult for him to take advantage of him.

For a time, she was in a dilemma. She simply brought the Chinese medicine to him first, and said in a soft voice, "Brother Gu, you should drink the Chinese medicine first. If the fever doesn't go away at night, we will use the western medicine."

Gu Xingjin His body is very good, especially his self-healing power is amazing. If it were another person, he would have died from such a serious injury.

Therefore, even though he was more willing to take western medicine with quicker effect, he did not refute Tang Bao's words, but instead whispered, "Don't reveal what I am here about, if someone named He Zhihan comes to him later. I, you just let him in, I'll trouble you."

"Okay, Brother Gu, please rest for a while." Tang Bao watched him close his eyes, and looked at him with his cheeks raised, worried about how to settle the marriage with him.

She was actually a little embarrassed that she was suddenly ready to rely on him, and felt that she was a little bit stingy, but she really didn't want to become stupid again, and she didn't want the balls to

be wiped out. I came back at ten o'clock in the morning, and I was dizzy for more than two hours. Now it is past two o'clock in the afternoon, which is the hottest time of the day.

However, she found that his flushed face was slowly turning blue and white, and she knew that it was caused by excessive blood loss. Seeing him curled up in fear of the cold, his almond eyes lit up, and the corners of his cherry blossom-like lips showed a narrow smile

. When I woke up again from the pain of the wound, I found that I was much better. I didn't have the feeling of spinning on the ground that day, but I was still a little dizzy. I also knew that I was sweating a lot, and the straw mat seemed to be sweaty and sticky.

He felt that he should be fine.

Too much sweat made his mouth dry, and when he wanted to get up to drink water, he realized that something was wrong, his hand did something wrong, why was his hand on Tang Bao's waist, why Tang Bao was lying beside him Why did his trousers disappear?

He quietly retracted his disobedient hand, narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes, frowned slightly, and watched her curled up beside him with her eyes closed, with a towel in her small hand, neatly dressed, Quietly relieved.

Anyway, when he thought of Tang Bao's ripping off his pants, he felt extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, she also put a sheet on her waist, and several wounds on her legs were bandaged.

He closed his eyes, sat up quietly, only frowned slightly when the wound was pulled, and carefully put on his trousers, and then he was secretly relieved.

I didn't say that I had an injury on my leg before, because I thought it didn't matter, and I was too embarrassed to take off my pants in front of the little girl.

Getting up in a hurry made his head a little dizzy, and the bed was against the wall, and there was Tang Bao outside. If he wanted to get down, he had to step over her. Normally, this is the easiest thing, but now it makes him a little bit. It was embarrassing, for fear that he would accidentally bump into her, it would be too embarrassing.

Tang Bao didn't actually fall asleep, he was thinking about all kinds of messes in his mind, quietly opened his eyes and peeked at him putting on his pants, then he yawned, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and looked a little vaguely. The voice said, "Big Brother Gu, you're awake."

After speaking, he sat up and got out of bed neatly, took a look at the watch that he had taken off, and handed it to him, "It's already four o'clock, you slept for two. For a few hours, I was taking care of you, but I haven't slept well in the past few days, and I fell asleep accidentally."

Then he looked at him with a stern face, "You said you, such a big person, legs I don't say anything about the wound on the top. If the wound is not treated properly, what should I do if it becomes inflamed in such a hot day, what should I do if it causes other symptoms?"

Gu Xingjin listened to the little girl's soft voice and kept talking, feeling uneasy in her heart. She was impatient, but could hear the deep concern from her words, and couldn't help but smile, "You're right, it's all my fault." It

was the first time Tang Bao saw him smile, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes were smiling. , extraordinarily bright.

Even if he is not the kind of fair and handsome man that Tang Bao likes the most, now she thinks that the man with wheat-colored skin is very attractive, with long eyebrows, deep phoenix eyes, and high nose bridge, not bad, very good.

She smiles extraordinarily. Mingmei said attentively, "It's good to know, then I'll help you get up and go to the toilet."

Hearing this, Gu Xingjin froze. Although he wanted to go, he felt embarrassed when she said it so brightly, his ears were a little red, he coughed lowly, and said vaguely, "No, no, no. I'm fine."

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