☢ ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 2

Start from the beginning

Yes, children, we will be talking about this person by firstly introducing her side of the story of this phone call.

'Big M' was the name that Sirius named his sister. Of course, I am sure you have some idea that Sirius has three sisters.

'Big M' was definitely the nickname that Sirius gave Mary Dumbledore, otherwise known for the somewhat beginning of her celebrity life as Hound September.
You honestly thought they were hounds for free without a little fame in return? The Hounds, or we could call them the Dumbledore family, were the most famous people in Elder Folk.

"You really think I would break my bones-"

"You did it once, twice, and even thrice as well as a fourth time," stated Mary. "Now, why the hell are you calling me from a payphone?"

"My phone got stolen."

"Are you kidding?"


"Thank God," Mary exhaled a sigh of relief. "I bought you that phone after you lost the one Remus bought for you when you got your first football gig."

"It isn't a gig, Big M. I am not a superstar. Plus, Remus got me that as a gift after my first football win."

"Potato potato, I was close," Mary rolled her eyes like she used to do when Sirius would do something stupid at a younger age.
"So, where is your phone, oh King of the Dead?"

"Might have left it inside a safe at the hotel room. It's either that or my phone got stolen in New York City... again."

"I know that the Remus-given phone was lost back in a weird street at Elder Folk. I also know that it was not the first time you lost a phone of yours."

"Yeah," she heard her younger brother laugh.

"Listen, Siri, I would love to stay and chat, but I've got a red carpet to get ready for."

"Big M. No wonder I call you that. Enjoy the carpet, superstar."

"Get your phone, Sirius. Just because you know our numbers does not give you a good excuse to lose your phone."

"I'll send you a message once I remember the code. If it is in the safe."

"Good luck, Siri," Mary rolled her eyes before closing the call after her brother wished her luck as well.

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As you previously know, Mary Dumbledore had a red carpet to get ready for.

That red carpet was happening due to the preview of her new movie. Maybe that was her popularity as a celebrity was rising more than usual - which is practically higher than high.

Her small crew made up of hairstylists and make-up artists were chatting with her as they got Mary ready for her red carpet.

"Try not to laugh out loud," one of her smiling make-up artists warned.

"Well, I am so sorry that Julia is so funny," said Mary, who was trying not to laugh, but failed due to the huge grin on her face.

"I am not," said Julia, one of the hairstylists, as she started pulling the celebrity's hair back with some special kind of gel that worked well with the celebrity's hair.

That caused another fit of giggles to erupt from not only the actress but also her small crew of helpers.

"Are we laughing or are we getting ready for a premiere?" asked a new voice who entered the room, trying to sound tough.

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