Chapter Three:Return

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Looking in the mirror the man examined himself. His once short hair was now long and grown out. About down to the ends of his ears. He kinda liked this look. The only thing he didn't like was the facial hair on his face. After applying shaving cream he grabbed a razor. Once done he washed his face before admiring the finished look. Y/N looked clean. He then proceeded to leave the bathroom and dig through his closet.

Just as he had hoped he found a box. Upon opening he found his old clothes. The clothes he'd wear when he went out as "The Crow". His outfit consisted of a black leather trench coat, black combat boots, black jeans and a black long sleeve. He sighed as a wave of nostalgia hit him. Y/N put it all on before looking in the mirror at himself. A smirk spread across his lips at the thought of what he'd do to the men who took away his mother.

His fiancé then crossed his mind. He needed to apologize to her. He hadn't spoken to her much in the past couple weeks. Y/N took off the clothing and got into some pjs. Once done the man went downstairs. Touka was sat in the living room on the couch with her face in her hands. The sound of his footsteps coming down the stairs caught her attention."Oh hey. What're you up to?" She asked with a worried smile.

"I just wanted to apologize. I haven't really been talking to you these past few weeks. I know I'm going through some things and feel like shit but that's no excuse to treat you like crap. So really I'm sorry Touka." Her eyes widened at this sudden apology."Y/N you have every right to want to be alone. After what you went through of course you're gonna want to be alone for some time. I get it."

"I'm just worried about you. Come here." She said whilst patting the open space next to her on the couch. Y/N sat down with his fiancé before she leaned her head on his shoulder."Can you promise me one thing?" She asked whilst holding his hand."Promise me that you'll let me come with you with whatever you decide to do." The man sighed."Touka I can't. It's too dangerous."

This seemed to irritate Touka."What do you just plan on leaving me?" Her fiancé didn't want to argue. After sighing he said,"Touka I can't and I don't want to drag you into what I'm gonna be doing. It's best if you stay behind. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt because of me or worse." Even more irritated she moved off him."And you don't think I'm gonna worry about you? What happens if you get killed? Am I just gonna be here alone all my life?"

Y/N then said,"You can probably find someone else. You'll be fine." As soon as he finished that sentence he received a slap across his face. Looking at his fiancé, tears streamed down her face."Don't talk to me right now." Touka said before getting up and going up to their bedroom crying the whole way. The male ghoul immediately regretted what he said."You're such an idiot." He told himself.

"I need to apologize." He thought before making his way up to the bedroom. He first tried turning the knob. It was locked."Touka, open the door." Y/N pleaded. She stayed silent. All he could hear were a few cries and sniffles."Touka please. I'm sorry. I know I'm an idiot for what I said and it was really stupid to even think like that. But please just open the door, I wanna talk."

It took a moment but eventually soft footsteps were heard walking towards the door. The door opened to reveal Touka wrapped up in a blanket like a burrito. Only her face stuck out which from Y/N could see was full of tears."I'm sorry." He pulled her into a warm and gentle hug. Her crying slowly stopped. He then guided the woman to their bed and sat down."Touka you already know I'm gonna go."

She nodded whilst looking at the floor."You also know you can't come with me." She also nodded at that."But I do promise to you that I will make it back to you. Whatever it takes. I promise I won't leave you alone. Maybe once we get back we can plan out our wedding." Thinking about the wedding seemed to brighten her mood a little."I'd be a dick if I were to die and leave you alone."

The Return Of The Crow (Touka Kirishima x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant