CH 1: These guys are mercenaries?

Start from the beginning

"Your excellence tried the best fighters

Who've adventured far and wide

But I promise that you've never

Met a troupe so qualified

There's Grog our mighty giant, he's a simple-minded hulk

And Percy's pepperbox can blow apart your fucking skull

Nature hath no fury quite like Keyleth the Ashari

Controlling plants and animals, she's a magical safari

The twins Vex and Vax, she shoots, he hides in the pitch

They're stealthy and quite deadly, but I forget which one is which

He's Vax (She's Vex)

Pike's divinity is pure, her hands can always heal

Oh, and did I mention we have a bear? Trinket, no big deal

And as for myself?

My name is Scanlan, the man with the fat purple hand

My music's the jam, goin' HAM, ya can't stand it

Get some water, hide your daughters- (Ahem)

Oh, uh, sorry

Brave warriors are we and far more clever than a fox

They'll tell tale of our exploits in the Legend of Vox


As he played images of the group being extraordinary appeared showing how awesome they were. Naruto was impressed by the bard's skill. Uriel seemed happy about the mention of a bear. Naruto knew that Uriel loved bears, so he was sure that the sovereign would hire the group. The council however wasn't very impressed. Sir Fince his voice dripping with malcontent said. "You can't be seriously considering them for such a crucial task." Lady Allura chimed in. "Sovereign Uriel their reputation is less... than stellar." Uriel spoke softly. "Well, they do have a bear, it looked quite ferocious and the song was entertaining." General Krieg spoke up and said. "Why not give them a chance? Perhaps there's more than meets the eye with these warriors." Lady Kima snorted and said. "I doubt it. Let's just call in Aegar's assassins again." A guard stated. "Apparently Aegar had his hand chopped off in a barroom brawl last night." Scanlan muttered under his breath. "Oh shit." Uriel then said to Naruto. "Kitsune, would you mind going with Vox Machina? You'll be paid your normal fee of course." Naruto nodded his head. "Of course I will. Anything for you my friend." he said putting his fist to his chest in a salute. As they spoke Vex the female twin started getting a ringing in her ears. Naruto winced himself as for some reason he could feel a large amount of malice in the room that he was having a hard time placing. "Very well, you're hired Vox Machina. Mainly because I like the bear. But my trusted friend Kitsune will be going along with you to help. This is non-negational. Lady Allura will accompany you to the shale steps. The village closest to the last attack." Vax and Vex grinned as the male elf said. "So, what exactly are we killing, and how much are we making?" General Krieg stated. "We don't know what you're killing, but once you kill it, all this is yours." he put his hand on a large gold chest a guardsman was holding. This got surprised looks from Grog, Pike and Keyleth while Vex, Vax and Percy had grins. Scanlan had a megawatt smile at the thought of that chest full of treasure. Scanlan then said. "Uh, one more question. Yeah, how are we supposed to get there?" Naruto snorted and said. "You'll see. Go grab whatever supplies you'll need, we don't know how long it'll take." As he walked by them, he slipped a sack of gold into the hand of Vex as he passed her. "Lady Allura, I will show them where to meet you." He then walked out of the palace and was passing by Trinket the group's bear when he heard. "Wait." Vex with the band of mercenaries behind him said with the bag hed given her in her hand. "Why give us this? We're not a charity case." The elven archer said a bit miffed. "I didn't give it to you for charity. I need you to be at your best, so use the money to make sure you are. I don't want to lose anybody bescause they were ill prepared." Naruto stated as he turned around. "Oh and as you know from Lord Uriel I'm Kitsune. But you can call me by my real name." at this Naruto grabbed his mask and removed it to reveal his face. "It's Nice to meet all of you. My name is Na-" He was cut off as a redheaded blured launched at him and hugged him as they lay on the ground. "NARUTO!" Keyleth shouted happy to see her friend. Naruto stood and helped Keyleth up and hugged her. "Hey there Ivy, its so nice to see you again." The red-head was so happy to see her friend before she gasped. "Wait you're Kitsune! I should've realized that what with you-" Naruto covered her mouth and said. "Introduce me to your friends Ivy." She had almost told the rest of vox machina he was a kitsune, the species were looked down upon by others for their trickster nature, which is why naruto wanted to keep his species hush hush. Keyleth nodded her head and said to her surprised friends. "Guys this is Naruto, He fell into our village when I was young. He and I became good friends. I havent seen him since I left for my Aramente." Vex noticed the way Keyleth said fell. "What do you mean by fell?" Naruto stepped next to the Ashari girl and said. "Well, it means I fell from a portal in the sky. I'm not of this world. I come from a world called the elemental nations. During a battle against a woman who was like a sister to me she tried to kill me after she almost decimated our planet, my teacher used a space time technique to send me here because he knew there was no future for our world. Im glad I came here though. I met Keyleth and her people who helped me greatly. I had saved Uriel a few years ago and made friends with him as well. I took up the moniker of kitsune due to my affinity for foxes." This floored the group, the greatest warrior and mercenary in all of Exandria wasn't even from their world. Grog got over it and said. "The people from your world strong? Also what do they drink?" Naruto smiled at the Goliath and said. "Well we used a power called chakra to use jutsu to throw around the elements hide ourselves and many other things. Well there were lots of drinks similar to this world. My favorite though is Sake. Especially the kind made by the Toads of Mount Myoboku. The toads were my summons and made great sake and Oil I loved to mix to make explosives." this got the attention of Vax and Grog. "ya got any of that Sake on ya? Also how do Toads make liquor?" Grog asked as Naruto tapped a seal inside his coat and tossed the Barbarian a ceramic bottle. "These were summon animals. They were highly intelligent. We can talk more about my world later. I'm going to grab my things and I'll meet you all in front of the palace. Make sure you have everything you need." The group nodded and headed off Grog though followed the blonde Gulping his drink. Naruto had put his mask back on and said to his companion. "Don't you need to be with the others?" Grog shrugged and said. "Nah, I gave Pike the bag of holding so they could put the stuff away. I like ya. I got a question. Why do ya wear that mask if the Sovereign knows what you look like?" Naruto stopped walking for a moment surprised by what the man said. "Well Id have a lot of people after me if I didn't use my mask. I've killed a lot of people, and you know revenge is commonplace. I normally wear a hood on jobs as well. But if you think I should keep it off I will." Grog shrugged and waited as Naruto grabbed a large scroll and carried it outside before storing it in a seal in his coat. "So how do ya fight? Me I got my great axe. I love chopping things to bits." The goliath said with a grin as he finished the sake and smashed the bottle on the ground. "As I said Grog I have what's called chakra. I can use magic as well but I love using chakra techniques. I have a collection of weapons too." Naruto stated as they saw the rest of the group heading to them. "Come we must meet lady Allura." He said as they walked to were Allura was waiting by a flying ship.

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