Sonic x Caillou X L

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"No copyright law in the universe i gonna stop me!" i was about to say to dr eggman. I suddenly realized i had be teleported to somewhere else!?! "My head hurts....where am i?" i stated as i looked around. I had to go fast! I sped through the streets and accidentally ran over someone. Then the most colorful friggin house ever was before me. I felt like something big was about to happen. I walked my 2 foot 8 hottie bod up to the door. I knockted on the door. A very cute and hot boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii opened the door. He do be bald. I think I can see my reflection in his head. He is wearing an ugly yellow shirt and dirty blue shorts. He also has red shoes that look too small for his feet. He said "Wow, a blue weird person showned up at my rainbow disgusting shades of color house. L glanced over at Caillou. Why was the world's greatest detective here at this ugly house? He glances over at Sonic. Sonic glances over at Caillou's mommy. Cauillou's mommy invites us into play toy cars. We agree. We did walk enter cailous dumb looking room. L sat on cailous chair very akwardly as L is known to do, and picked up a toy car. "Vroom vroom, i will catch you kira!" he said confidently with no embarrassment at the fact that he was a 30 year old man playing with toy cars. I glanced over at cailou, " why does a 15 year old still have toy cars anyway?" cailou started to cri. Sonic and cauliflower started to dance while L played cars. He knocked over a block tower with his car, making one of the blocks fall on cauliflower tow. He cri for 5744 seconds for mommy. Sonic Naruto run to mummy in kitchen. Mommy look in shock, "whated happen what wanted happen?" "L has hurted caillou." We go to cailou rum and help him. Mommy scolds L for being reckless. L apologies profusely. We hang out again and we all played the spongebob board game Life™. L looks to cailoou and asks," im asking you on a date." California roll smiles bigley bigglisest. He nod sheepishly sheep. Sonic has a weird feeling in his tummy. He wants to be happy for his bestest estest friend cailoou but he cant help but feel mad jelly. Sonic cri. Califory looky at his tears, "you can also come on the date." Sonic do happy dance and so does L. They all dance together. Mommy walk in and gives them all ties to wear to their date. "Can we go to the icecream shop to go on date?" mmommyy saided yes and she drive us on her wagon. We arrive at park and L run for swingers. I run for sliedy slideed. Caillou goes for the simpier option and goes for the mountian to climb. After spending 45 years at the park we all go to the spring rocky thinging thingies. I choose the polka dot horse, Sonic boi ride the purple tiger, and L ride shinigami. We all rock so hard htat we go flying and crash land into Japanese police station. "Shut up matsuda" L stated. "I didnt say anything," Matsuda cryed silently. Cauliflower looked lovingly at sonic, then to L. "What we what do to do here, L?" Asked sonic and caliguy siulateneously. L turned his hoit body to us and he, " i need you guys to help meh catch the cereal killer, kira, hes my ex boyfriend," . I nodedd along. I would do anthing for the love of my life. cCalography looked a bit unsure at first but then starting to nod in unison with me. He did it very cutely, it was cute. I feel face like on fire, cailou got a bucket of water to put fire out oof. L, Calliou and i all hugged aggressively. We started to make a plan to catch kira cause he a very bad man. Or girl, idk. We decided that we would make a vide on youtube calling him out for stealing makeup from dogs. We would wait for him to respond and then we would track where the response came from. This do be pretty easy did do yep, this totally wouldnt take 36? Episodes didn't do nope. Anyway so we make video. We make it in L kitchen while he cook for us. It was actually all for him, he told us later. He had make a.......... Cinnamon flavored hotdog stuffed with ice cream put on a chocolate cake that's all been deep fried and ground u p into a milkshake that is filtered through 3 layers of complete sugar that is all mixed together and put back into an ice cream cake surrounded by donuts covered in more cinnamon topped with whipped cream and a cherry.© He devoured it at in inhuman speed, it was kind of horrifying to watch but it was also hot because he a hoit boi. Anyways, we made the videos and waited for kira to respond. After 4 seconds of waiting for him to respond we finally got news from the news station that he sent his tapes in. We tracked down the track to kiras beach mansion and entered it without knocking. "Oh mine goodnessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessesssessesesesesses!?!?! Kira is my ex-bf ?!?!?!" L stated sarcastically sincerely. We force fed him sand IDK what im writing anymore, we killed the serial killer know as kira known as sun bob, known as Ls ex-bf known as light. I did walk enter kitchen again to get sky high of suga'. We all taked tunis we all consu,e sugared. All of our blood sugar went THROGH THE FLOOR, we were then transported to a place that looked slightly familiar...I realized it was my world!!!!!. "Guys comone we hace to stop dr. eggplant!" Cauliflower and J followed me to eggplanters secret lair idk how to spell. We had to fight off his egg minions, this is definitely in sonic. We slaughtered millions of egg minions that day. Sonic was later tried as a war criminal. ANyway, we finally got eggheadplants house and confronted him. "Gotta go fast" I burped out. Calliuou and L were both very impressed and clapped silently behind me. The tow of them followed me through beach lair and we eventually reach end of tunnel. He go fastest faster and beat up eggy boi. Then, we go speed of light to caillou house to finish play date. They all 3 did walk enter calliuoooo back yerd. Once they stepped out on his porch they saw that mommy had set up a wedding and invited as of theyre friends. I went up to tails and amy to huggy hug them. Calliou and L got jelly and they start talking to there froobds, but not before calcium curb stomped amy and she ded. Calluiipooo talk to weird girl sarah. Sarah was very happy to se caillou. "Hi sarah!" calliou cawed. "Cailou, Ni hao" sarah said. Calliou stared at her.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."what"

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