Chapiter 1: The son of Evil

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Izuku was a normal six-year-old kid. Sure, he didn't know his father, his mom didn't talk about him, the only things he knew about him was that first he wasn't married to his mom, that he was a rich powerful man and that he had left for a business trip when Izuku was still a baby and had never shown up since. He also knew that he had the white hair (they look like Gintoki's) of his father and that he inherited his emerald green eyes from his mother. Izuku could've been sad about it but he wasn't, he had the best mother in the world after all. She was hard working and the only one who showed love to Izuku. He had been diagnosed quirkless as a child, something to do whit an extra joint in his pinky toe. He made it seem like it didn't affect him but he knew his mother saw right through him. No matter how much he tried to hide the scrapes on his body when he returned from school, his mother always found them. She had called the school countless of times but it didn't do anything, the bullying was still going strong, the main bully being the greatest asshole in the whole world (or one of the) Katsuki Bakugo. He was actually his childhood friend, he was always arrogant and kind of an ass, but once he got his quirk, he became a real asshole. Due to all of the praise he received daily, his already big ego for a four-year-old had become huge and he was only six, Izuku didn't want to see how he'd look like in a few more years. It made who Izuku called "Kachan" back when they were four, think that he was destined for greatness, think that just because he could make explosions from his hands, he was like a comic book hero and would surpass All Might. This led to him treating everyone around him as "extras" or "side characters" as he'd call them, people of second zone while he was the one and only main character.

Izuku couldn't help but think that it wasn't fair, Bakugo was a bully, that wasn't how heroes acted, Izuku was absolutely sure of it. All Might sure as hell didn't act like that from the hundreds of videos he saw. "Bakugo doesn't deserve his quirk..." That was what the young white-haired kid said after the... other beating Bakugo and his goons made him go through. He didn't count them now, they happened pretty frequently and most of the time, it was Izuku trying to protect someone from the explosive blonde's bullying. Izuku tried to train his small kid body but at six years old, there wasn't much you could do, though at this point he was pretty tolerant to pain.

"Damn Thursdays...", mumbles Izuku, getting out of my bed. He quickly went on whit his morning routine, training a bit (not anything extreme, at ten years old it could limit his growth), eating, brushing his teeth, changing into his clothes and hugging his mom. His mom was the only person who loved Izuku, without her he would be left a mess. She always gave him affection, never got angry at him, was always understanding, all in all she made his days brighter just by her presence alone. Even if she had to work a lot for the both of them, Izuku would always try his best to help. For example he learned how to cook so that he could make dinner for his mom and did most of the house chores, which Inko was grateful for. His mom drove him to school and he went to his class. Like always, looks and mockeries were his greetings, but that didn't stop him. Keeping his head high and his eyes forward, the young boy entered in his class and went to his seat. During lunch, Izuku ate outside like always, behind a tree so that no one would steal his lunch. "Oi Deku, hiding to keep your lunch huh!", yells out a grinning Katsuki. "Leave me alone Katsuki!", yells out Izuku in response. A tick mark appears on Bakugo's forehead, a growling sound coming out of his throat, kind of like an angry dog. A punch flew towards his face and Izuku managed to dodge it. Years of fights against Bakugo and multiple other people had sharpened his reflexes and his training, even though light, had given him a noticeable buff. Izuku, whit rage, grabbed Bakugo by the head, wanting to do what he saw in an action movie; grab Bakugo by the head and bring it down to his knee. Except that it doesn't really happen like the young boy expected. White whit hints of green lightning bolts jolt around Izuku's right hand and he feels a weird sensation going from his hand to his body. Bakugo quickly jolts back, same whit his friends who saw this weird lightning coming from their victim's body.

-What the hell was that Deku, do you have a quirk!?, yells a more pissed then usual Bakugo.

The three goons around him nod and agree whit him and Izuku has the confirmation that something did happen. Bakugo then quickly recovers from his shock and brings his hands up. "No matter, I'll still kill you, you damn useless nerd!" A few seconds pass and nothing happen, Izuku and the three kids surrounding Bakugo quickly tilt their heads in confusion, excepting the blonde to release his little spark that were supposed to intimidate his enemies. "W... what the hell?", Bakugo stutters. "Hey Bakugo, what are you doing, blast Deku whit your quirk!", yells out one of Bakugo's loyal servant. "I can't, how come I can't use my quirk, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME YOU DAMN DEKU!!" Izuku takes a step back from Bakugo who was rushing at him like a madman, having completely lost control of his emotions. On reflex, Izuku puts his hands in front of himself and an explosion shoots out of his hand, sending Bakugo flying back. He stands there, horrified, as the no longer so explosive blonde stays on the ground, passed out. His goons take a step back, looking at Izuku like he was a villain before running away, yelling out: "Deku stole Bakugo's quirk, he's a villain!" Looking at his shaking hands and at Bakugo, altering between the two. The words of the bullies stayed whit him, ringing in his head. It was obvious that he had stolen Bakugo's quirk.

He had a quirk now, and that was to take away quirks. Bakugo was slowly waking up and Izuku, not wanting to be scolded by the teachers, quickly put his hand on Bakugo's head like he had done when he stole the quirk. Then, Izuku pushed all of his will into wanting to give Bakugo his quirk back. Quickly, lightning sparkle around his hand and he feels a transfer; something goes from his hand to Bakugo. Verifying if he still had the quirk, Izuku tried to make explosion sparkle from his hands and was unable to. Grabbing the rest of his lunch, Izuku fled a growling Bakugo mumbling stuff about killing him. The teacher had quickly come out after the goons had explain the situation. The word quickly spread and soon enough, the students in the courtyard knew: Izuku could steal quirks. A teacher approached Izuku and he could notice it: Fear. Izuku looked around and saw people looking at him whit fear, taking steps back away from him. The teacher quickly asked the boy whit the newly developed quirk if he had really stolen Bakugo's quirk. "Y... yeah but I gave it back... I... I think..." That's when Bakugo ran up behind Izuku saying: Give me back my quirk you villain!" By reflex Bakugo made his hands sparkle and the people in the courtyard saw that Bakugo had his quirk. "See!", exclaimed Izuku, "I gave him his quirk back, my power isn't just to steal quirks, I'm not a villain!" That didn't change things much whit the students, but the teachers seemed to calm down a bit.

His mom was called to pick him up and go to the quirk doctor. This time it was in a different hospital though so it wasn't the rude old man doctor who told him to give up on his dreams. There, he was explained that despite the fact that he did have the extra joint he actually still had the quirk gene which was something never seen before. "Miss Midoriya, your son here has a very powerful quirk, he can apparently take away quirks by touching people on top of their head, absorbing their quirk genes and combing them whit his DNA. Not only that but he can also give the quirks he absorbs through the same process, though if he gives a quirk that needs a special condition, like for example a fire quirk that needs a body resistant to heat, he could cause the quirk to harm the person he gives it to." Turing to Izuku, the doctor then says: "I heard from your mother that you want to be a hero right?" Izuku nodded and the doctor smiled. "Whit a quirk like that I'm sure you'll be an amazing hero someday, though I warn you, a lot of people will be scared of you because of your quirk but don't let that put you down, at the end of the day if you want to become a hero you can become one, no matter the quirk you have." Izuku shed tears that he quickly wiped to smile at the doctor, saying a happy: "I promise doctor!" Inko and the doc smiled at him before he is then asked a question. "So kid, what do you want to name your quirk?" Izuku thinks for a bit before smilling and looking at the doctor and his mother full of confidence. "Snatch and Gift!" They smile and the boy leaves the office, happier then ever before. 

He was going to become a hero, no matter what anybody said and he knew that there was people who believed in him.

Izuku Midoriya, son of All for One [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now