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"Muichiro-san!" Tanjiro screams.
There lie Muichiro, half his body cut.
Tanjiro screams in pain and heart break as he just lost his lover. Tanjiro sobs and hugs his body...

Muichiro POV
My eyes open and I quickly get up. I breath heavily. Another bad scene from the past huh... My death. Its pains me the most that I broke Tanjiro's heart. I checked the time to see it was 7:00 am. School starts soon. I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine...

I was finished getting ready. I head out of my house, not anyone living there but me. I look up at the clouds while walking. I could tell it was going to rain today. The sky was very gloomy.

Not many birds were flying in the sky.
"I'm getting bored.." I thought.
I arrive at the school entrance and walk to my locker. I enter my class seeing all of them were there. They looked at me, but I didn't really care. I walked to my seat and placed my stuff down.

The teacher comes in.
"Hello class, Gloomy day, but we have a new transfers today!" she says.
"You may come in."
A boy with burgundy hair walks inside with a excited smile. Also a blonde boy and another with a boar head?
They turned in front of the class and says, "Hello! I'm one of your new transfer students, Kamado Tanjiro!" he excitedly said.
My eyes widen.
"Tanjiro!?" I exclaim in my thoughts.
"M-My name is Zenistu Agatsuma," the blonde boy introduces.

"I'm Inosuke Hashibira and I'm stronger than all of you!" the boar head shouts.
"Inosuke may you please take off that mask it not appropriate to wear that in class," the teacher says.
I recognized all of them. It's convenient they have the same names. The Inosuke guy takes off his boar mask revealing his unusual pretty face.

"Just because I look like a girl doesn't mean I can't defeat you!" Inosuke shouts. I hear the whispers of my classmates.
"Okay, now that you have introduced yourselves, Tanjiro, you may sit in the empty seat next to Muichiro, Muichiro raise your hand please." the Teacher orders politely.

I raise my hand with a emotionless face though I was extremely happy Tanjiro was going to sit next to me.
"Inosuke and Zenistu, you may sit over there." She says pointing at the two empty seats next to each other.

Maybe I have a chance in finding the others, to be exact, the other pillars. Ever since I got my memories back, I sensed demons. Demons were still here for some reason. I thought we defeated Muzan. Maybe its someone else, or Demons that survived. I heard there were many people going missing the past few months. I suspected it was demons. The police found there bodies bloody and with missing body parts.

I just need to pinpoint were I left my sword. "Excuse me, are you okay?" a voice asks.
I noticed that voice was Tanjiro's and I snapped out of the thoughts.
"Yeah I'm fine why?" I answer back.
"You have a strong scent of hatred, I'm sorry I have a keen sense of smell,"
"I'm just thinking about something," I say.
He had a worried look stuck on his face.
"Okay, but I also have a question," he says.
"What is it?"
"Have I met you before?"....

Tanjiro POV
"Have I met you before?" I ask.
He kept a emotionless face, but I smelt a surprised and shocked scent from him.
"No, we haven't," Muichiro answers.
I wasn't so sure from his scent. Maybe he wasn't comfortable sharing this information. I heard him whisper something after his answer. I was a bit sad he didn't tell me anything knowing he was lying from his scent. But I'll have to deal with it, I shouldn't push him.

Muichiro POV
I don't think I should tell him. I have a feeling he will remember our past life soon. But I think he knew I lied since he has a keen sense of smell. But knowing him he wouldn't push me. I heard the school bell ring, its was the next period. I sigh and stand up...


I didn't like the cafeteria since it was so loud. I sat on the roof of the school building. It was nice since I could look up at the sky while eating. No one was there to disturb me, well not until today. The 3 transfers found the spot. I didn't mind since Tanjiro was here. Its seems like they didn't notice me yet. I look up at the sky, it was very blue, but still cloudy. I was surprised it didn't rain yet, but the clouds were still dark.

[Discontinued] "See You Soon.." Muitan; Reincarnation AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon