Welcome To New York!

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*On a plane* Blue Toad: Hello, and welcome to the first episode of the brand new hit reality TV show Mushroom Drama! This season, I decided we're not gonna start with something boring. Oh no. We're taking it international! That's right. This season, we'll be traveling around the world! Well, let's not waste time. Welcome to Mushroom, Drama, WORLD TOUR!!!
*sadly, I don't have an intro idea yet, so for the first episode, we'll skip it*
Blue Toad: It's time to introduce the contestants! First we have-
Mario: I don't need you doing my intro.
Blue Toad: That's not how this works.
Mario: Hi, I'm Mario! I'm gonna win, because I'm good at everything!
Blue Toad: OK, I did not think he'd actually DO it...
Luigi: H-hi there...
Blue Toad: Did you guys hear something? Me neither.
Mario: It was Luigi.
Blue Toad: Oh, this is Luigi! He's very shy.
Mario: He's  not even worth your time.
Blue Toad: Harsh.
Peach: Hello? Which one of you is the host?
Blue Toad: Me, idiot.
Peach: Oh, it's just, you look a lot younger than them...
Blue Toad: Thank you!
Daisy: I'm here!!
Blue Toad: This is-
Peach- You screwed up.
Daisy: HI I'M DAISY!
Blue Toad: Can you get eliminated already?
Daisy: Rude.
Toad: Give me my PDA!
Blue Toad: *teasingly* What PDA?
Toad: The one in your hand!
Blue Toad: Oh, this? *chucks it behind him*
Toad: N-no!
*The PDA gets run over by a plane*
Toadette: Quit your whining. I'm a girl and I'm emotionally stronger than you.
Blue Toad: This is Toadette!
Toadette: Did I ask you who I am?
Blue Toad: You all are so mean.
Yoshi: Where's the nearest McDonald's.
Blue Toad: 30,000 feet below us.
Yoshi: ...
Birdo: Sksksksksk
Blue Toad: Congrats Daisy! You're no longer the most annoying person!
Daisy: Whatever
Birdo: Ugh!
Bowser: Yo, what's up hotties?
Peach: Ew
Daisy: Get close to me, I'll punch you.
Toadette: Go away.
Birdo: Go back to the caves.
Bowser: Ouch.
Jr: Where's my million dollars?
Blue Toad: If you win.
Jr: No! I want them NOW!
Blue Toad: That's nice.
Koopa: Can you all shut up. I'm trying to nap.
Blue Toad: *airhorn*
Koopa: AGH! Do you want me to go deaf?!
Blue Toad: Yes.
Dry Bones: Don't even.
Blue Toad: B-
Dry Bones: DON'T EVEN.
Rosalina: Hello!
Blue Toad: Hi.
Rosalina: The cast list intrigues me.
Blue Toad: So does your stupidity.
Wario: Yo, where's the restroom. I'm about to blow.
Blue Toad: OVER THERE!
Wario: Thanks *farts*
Peach: *gags*
Waluigi: He is such an idiot.
Blue Toad: For real.
Waluigi: Wa.
Blue Toad: I stand corrected.
Peachette: When's the first challenge?!
Blue Toad: Someone's eager...
Peachette: This'll be awesome!
Blue Toad: For me. Not so much for you.
Mona: Hey.
Blue Toad: Hi.
Mona: Did you know I once built an attack helicopter made out of confetti, eggshells, and old jet ski parts.
Blue Toad: What? Ok...
Roy: Sup.
Blue Toad: Finally almost done.
Roy: Why? You saying you don't like me?
Blue Toad: Yep.
Roy: I'll beat you to a pulp!
Blue Toad: Sorry! Sorry.
Ludwig: Greetings, Blue Toad.
Blue Toad: Finally! Someone smart.
Ludwig: I know right. Imagine being in a room full of imbeciles.
Blue Toad: Yeah, I wonder.
Pauline: Hello!
Blue Toad: Something seems off about you.
Pauline: W-what?
Blue Toad: I just can't put my finger on it. Anyways, now that you've seen everyone, it is time to make the teams! Hmm... Mario, Jr, Yoshi, Bowser, Wario, Rosalina, and Peach. You are... choose your own name.
Mario: We're the villains!
Blue Toad: Its settled!
Rosalina: Isn't it a vote?
Blue Toad: Who said anything about a vote?
Peach: Wow.
Blue Toad: Next team has Roy, Luigi, Toad, Toadette, Koopa, Peachette, and Daisy.
Luigi: What should we be named?
Blue Toad: Ok!
Daisy: B-but-
Blue Toad: That's your team name. Last team: Ludwig, Dimentio, Pauline, Dry Bones, Waluigi, Mona, and Birdo.
Birdo: Andioop.
Blue Toad: Got it.
Pauline: G-good choice...
Blue Toad: You can rest on the plane as we make our way to the first location.
Villains: Mario, Yoshi, Jr, Bowser, Wario, Rosalina, Peach
What Should We Be Named: Luigi, Daisy, Toad, Roy, Koopa, Peachette, Toadette.
Andioop: Waluigi, Mona, Birdo, Ludwig, Pauline, Dry Bones, Dimentio.

Pauline: I am already this close to choking someone out. But I need to have a nice girl act, because no one likes a villain. I happened to do research, most people here either are villains or despise them. And the biggest villain is apparently the red hat guy. So I'll make sure his team goes down with him. Hahahah, HAHAHAHA
Mario: Why is this my team? I have the lousiest, dumbest, weakest, slowest, least competitive team. I'm the only one who's not any of those things. I'll whip em into shape. Don't worry, I will come out on top...
Toad: I'd say I generally have the best team of the three. There's only one dumb person, only one weak person, only one lazy person, only one unstable person, only one uncompetitive person, and one annoying person. I'd say that's better than the other teams I'm seeing.
*The plane lands*
Blue Toad: Welcome to New York! The city of celebrities, the big apple, and dead end jobs! This challenge, you will have to hunt down a bunch of random questions about things related to or have New York in the name! Ready go!!
Mario: So where do we look?
Blue Toad: Anywhere.
The Villains
Peach: Where do we even look?
Mario: Empire State Building!
Rosalina: Got it!
At the Empire State Building
Orange Toad: Here's your question: When did the New York Giants defeated the undefeated New England Patriots?
Mario: They were undefeated, so they didn't win.
Orange Toad: No
Peach: 1805?
Orange Toad: Not even close
Jr: 2000?
Orange Toad: Nope
Bowser: 2007!
Orange Toad: Here's the Mushroom Drama Football! Get going!
What Should We Be Called
Luigi: Guys, where's someone famous in New York?
Daisy: Don't you live here?
Toad: The subway?
Roy: Bingo!
Toad: Should we get a taxi?
Daisy: That'll only fit four of us.
Luigi: What about the rest of the team?
Toad: What about them?
Daisy: This shroom plays to win. That's a quality I like in people. Maybe he can be my game slave.
In the subway
Yellow Toad: Hello- where's the rest of the team? You need everyone!
Luigi: Are you serious?!
*Daisy & Roy are just glaring at Toad*
Roy: If we lose, I know who's gonna go home.
Birdo: So, like, which way are we gonna go?
Pauline: How bout we go to Central Park?
Birdo: Guys, I have an idea. How bout we go to Central Park?
Pauline: She's about to get choked out.
At Central Park
Green Toad: Congrats on making it! Now here's your question: How many colors of apples are there?
Ludwig: B-but that has nothing to do with New York!
Green Toad: We're in the Big "Apple"
Pauline: Uhm, 2?
Birdo: 64
Ludwig: 4?
Dry Bones: 1?
Green Toad: Those are all wrong.

Blue Toad: Will any team finish the challenge? And how are they gonna handle singing?
Dry Bones: What? S-singing?!
Blue Toad: Join us next time on Mushroom Drama World Tour!!!

1235 words, not bad. Make sure to vote, comment your opinion, and follow please! Or Mona will hunt you down in her confetti jet ski eggshell attack helicopter.

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