Chapter Two

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Your legs fell from under you and you began crying for dad or mom or.. whatever guardian was taking care of you.

A man in a blue hoodie walked up, staring at the show. "Eh."

"Hey Tom, mind helping us out?" Pico asked.

"I don't really— " Tom began, it was a soothing voice to you.

"Great, go grab that kid and lets go find their parents." Pico said forcefully.

Tom sighed and walked towards your crying shape, picking you up as you pulled your hands from your eyes to look at him... HE HAS NO E Y E S. You whimpered and tugged at his grip as you tried to escape this eyeless man.

He kept his hold. "Uh.. Calm down???" 

He tried to shut you up to no avail. Captain John walked up and grabbed you, holding you properly.

"Damn, since when were you a child handler?" Tom retorted bitterly to Captain's silent gesture.

"Since." He simply stated, not much of an answer.

The group began to walk, Lila and Ena stayed behind with Moony as the rest went off.


"GOD, why is it so hard to find a kid's parents? We can fight off demons and shapeshifters and shit but can't find somebody who lost a child!?" Pico yelled out in frustration.

Captain snorted. "Shut the fuck up! We're trying, that's all that matters. If we can't find the child's parents then they abandoned them!"

You listened to this conversation, bewildered. Why would your parents leave you? They loved you!

"Hey. You're scaring the thing." Tom blurted bluntly. 

Skid and Pump bounded up. "We could walk with them! You don't have to hold them, I think..."

Captain put you down, watching as Skid and Pump flanked you on both sides. 

"New friend! What's your name?" The pumpkin boy chimed.

"Y/N.." you backed away with a meek reply, but they walked right back to where they were, beside you.

The others began to walk again, so you staggered after them with two costumed boys surrounding you, bombarding you with questions.

"Do you like-a the spooky month?"

"What things do you find spooky?"

It was all questions about "spooky month". What even is that? Some sort of Halloween?

The group seemed to stop and you bumped smack-dab into the soldier guy's leg, who whipped around and gave you a hard glare, but turned right back around.

"Hominid! How've ya been, my guy?" The gruff voice of the ginger boy chided.

"Eh, fine. What's that thing with the spookies?" A short, yellow alien thing chirped quizzically.

"Said their name was Y/N, lookin for the parents to the little gremlin." 'Tom' grunted.

Captain grew to a quiet voice. "We think their parents might have abandoned them in the alley ENA found them in."

"Ooooh." Hominid peered over to you again, his interest was piquing.

"Anyway, we thought to take them to Mearest and Dearest. Those two could raise the tot, they have the experience and Lila's busy." Pico said briskly, adding on. "We gotta get goin', cya bud."

"Aight, cya Pico." Hominid walked around the traveling group, letting them pass.

"We forgot to introduce ourselves! I'm Skid, that is Pump!" He pointed to 'Pump', who waved.

"So, what's your favorite candy?" Skid asked another question.

"Uhm.. I like f/c.. but I really like (second) f/c too.." you answered after a bit of thought.

"Here we are!" Pico interrupted suddenly, knocking on the door to what looked like a mansion.

You stared in awe, and watched as a pale girl with dark eyes and reddish brown hair opened the door.

"Hey Pico! You've got a crowd!.." the girl purred.

"Heyo Girlfriend, listen, we found this kid in the alley and we were wondering if ya parents could take em in." 

Tom hustled you to stand in front of Pico. This 'Girlfriend' looked at you with sympathy.

"I'm sure they would, let me go get them!~ Poor thing.." She sighed as she left the open door, a loud call was heard a bit farther in, and two, purple skinned adults walked up.

"Hello.." the lady started, not before eyeing you with a pitiful glance.

"We heard you needed help?" She raised her eyebrow in question

"Yeah, could you help us take care of this thing? We think the kid's parents left em alone." Captain answered quickly.

"But of course." The man replied. "Only if you promise to help us too."

Pico and the rest nodded, and the lady led you in, shutting the door.

"I must introduce myself, I am Mommy Mearest, that is my husband, Daddy Dearest." She nodded towards the man.

"Welcome home, dear." She rumbled.


lol jk about the draft thing, so here you go B)


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