Chapter 4

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Nicole's POV
I remember when I first saw Jay, it was in 6th grade. He was the sweetest guy I knew. But his friends, not so much...

I got a visit at my locker from one of Jays friends, and he was not looking for a conversation.

"You look a little dry, you need to freshen up a little!" They said while laughing. "What?!" I said while they laughed.

Him and his friends grabbed me and carried me into the gym, threw the doors into the pool area. When they got a good hold on me they said "1! 2! 3!" Then all of a sudden I was in a world of white, I couldn't see anything. I didn't want to come back to the real world I wanted to stay here and just relax.

~Jays POV~
Where's Nicole, I want to walk her home. When I asked my friends they just said "Check the pool!" And then they bursted out laughing.

I went to the gym and then into the pool with my friends, Jack and Tyler,  who aren't jackasses. I saw Nicole in the pool and I dove in. She wasn't moving and I got worried.

When we reach the surface, I told Jack to help her out and Tyler to help.

"She's not breathing!" Tyler said

"Thanks for stating the obvious!"

I had to give her mouth to mouth. No matter how awkward she has to live.

"Ok Nicole, you have to work with me here!"

When my lips touched hers, I felt as if I was the only guy in the world and Nicole was the last girl.

~Nicole's POV~

I felt a push an then an tingly feeling on my lips.

I woke  up and push who ever was on me off.

"What are you doing?!" "Saving your life! The least you can say is thank you." Jay said. "I'm not saying shit! Your friends got me here in the first place, you probably told them to throw me on the pool so you can save me to look like a hero!" I was in tears after that.

I ran home as fast as I could and ran into room.

All I wanted to do at that moment was cry my heart out and listen to my music.

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