Chapter 1

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We were walking on the beach, so happily, so peacefully. It felt like a dream. "Sweetie, wake up, you have to get ready for your first day of school!" My mom yelled as I observed my surroundings, I'm in my room, not on a beach. It was a dream.

Today was my first day as a high school junior and I have to say, I don't know if I am excited, or terrified.

As I was eating breakfast, my mom was rushing to get to work. While she was doing that I thought about how my day was going to end up. Great, or horrible. I couldn't decide if I was going to talk to Jay, if I did, what would I say? What would he say? The options were endle.

When I was done eating my breakfast, I looked at the time 7:46. I have 5 min until I leave for school witch starts at 8:15. So I sit back and relaxed for a while and I lost track of time. It was 8:05 and it takes me 20 min to get to school, I'm never going to make it! So I start running to school like crazy, thank god I'm a fast runner.

As I was running, I saw Jay, who I have had a crush on since 6th grade, up ahead and I start to slow down and eventually, he saw me. And we made small eye contact.

Right away I had butterflies in my stomach and not in a good way. He stopped walking. Was he waiting for me? I didn't know so I kept on walking.

I walked past him and ignoring him. All I heard was, "your so stupid" as my sub conscience yelled at me. I heard a voice in the back ground, "Hey wait up!" It was Jay telling for me to stop. So I stop and he caught up with me. We walked to school together and I was so awkward.

Knowing that he had a girlfriend, I couldn't talk about how I felt about him. Anna, that was her name. She was the jealous type. I swear, I though World War III was going to happen if she saw me and him together.

It was 8:14 we had literally one minute to get to school. But we made it on time and we didn't get in trouble. Or did we? Anna was in front of the school waiting for Jay and she didn't expect to see me.

When Anna saw me, her eyes lit up and immediately runs to Jay and gives him a kiss right in front of me. I pretended not to care but inside, I died a little.

I bet she knows that I like him a lot more than she does but then again, he's not mine.

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