Bonus Bonus Chapter: Three Years Later

Start from the beginning

I scoffed. "I am on birth control."

"It's only 99.9% effective. And ya'll fuck like rabbits," she shrugged.

I hesitated. The fucking like rabbits part was certainly true. Bucky and I had a very active sex life, one that I worried might get old or slow down once we were married, but a year in he was still as insatiable as he was when we'd first became a couple. Still...

"I take my pills regularly," I reasoned while opening a bag of salad.

"Didn't you say you missed a day or two cause you picked up your prescription late a month or so ago?" Iris asked me with a tilted head.

"Yeah, but I-."

I froze. I had forgotten to pick up my pills a month and a half ago, but I'd only missed two and a half days surely that wasn't long enough to-

"How do you even remember that?"

"Cause I'm your best friend. Are you late?" Iris asked at my continued silence.

I set the salad aside and picked up my phone to check my app. "Only two days. That's nothing I've been two days late before, longer even."

"You should buy a pregnancy test," Iris commented. "Let's go get one right now."

An hour later Iris and I huddled in the small guest bathroom staring at two clear blue early detection digital pregnancy tests that I peed on, waiting for results. I told myself that I was just humoring Iris, that this was just a scare and no big deal. The test would be negative and we wold laugh this off. It helped me to keep a lid on the panic attack that was ready to bust out of the can. Sure we wanted a child, one day-

"Holy shit girl you're pregnant," Iris practically screamed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I startled. "What?"

"You. Are. Pregnant." She snatched up the tests and held them up to my face, sure enough both said pregnant.

"Holy shit, I am pregnant."

Bucky wouldn't be home for 6 more days and I was a nervous wreck, agonizing over whether to call and tell him over the phone, to look up something cute on pinterest to do, to just hand him the pregnancy test when he walked through the door?

I was still in shock and unbelieving, so much so that I bought two more tests to take, both positive again, and asked a coworker to give me an ultrasound on our break. Just to be sure. Sure enough there was life inside of me, little heart flickering rapidly, a piece of me and a piece of Bucky.

It took every ounce of strength within me not to spill the beans when Bucky called me that night. He didn't always get to call, and when he left I never expected him to, so when he did it was always a surprise.

"Hey Sugar."

The words were on the tip of my tongue. I bit it to keep from saying anything.

"Jade? You there? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, babe, I am here. Hi, how are you?"

"Missin' you something fierce is how I am. How are you?"

"Good, good, I uh...I've just been working. Iris is staying here."

Bucky hesitated. "You alright? You sound a little-."

"Oh I am fine," I interrupted. "Just tired from work. I picked up an extra shift since you're gone."

"You know I hate you working so much," he sighed.

It was the truth, he had spoken so much about how he hated it that I had stopped picking up extra shifts entirely, unless he was away on a mission.

"It was just the one."

"Still- oh, I gotta go. I love you so much. Can't wait to see you. We'll talk soon."

"I love you t-."

The line went dead before I finished.

I decided then that I was going to tell him as soon as he got home. That I would surprise him with it somehow, opting to buy a cheesy '#1 Dad' mug to tell him and putting the ultrasound picture my coworker had printed inside the cup and wrapping it up. I put the present on the table to wait, he wouldn't miss it when he got home.

When Bucky came home early three days later I had been in the bathroom kneeling in front of porcelain and heaving up the grilled cheese sandwich I'd had for a late lunch. He'd bypassed the gift bag sitting right on the table somehow and while I had missed him terribly and was used to him wanting to make love to me as soon as he was home after being away all I could think about how much I wanted- no needed- him to know.

My heart pounded as I watched him open the gift, seeing the confusion cross his face after he flipped over the cup at my urging and the way his face fell and his eyes widened. His body tensed and his head whipped around to look at me.

"Sugar, you're..."

I was nodding before he could finish, leaning over to reach into the cup and pull out the picture as further proof. He stared down in confusion, eyes darting over the black and white grainy image until I outlined the tiny shape of our growing baby.

"Here this is...this is our baby," I explained, tracing it and placing the picture in his hands. "See?"

Bucky watched my finger move until his eyes zeroed in on it and I saw the awe take over his face. He didn't move, only stared at the photo while I waited anxiously for him to react, to say something. I knew he wanted a child one day, but we'd agreed to wait a bit, to plan it and I had screwed that all up by forgetting to get my prescri-.

Bucky practically tackled me, forcing me onto my back as he kissed me deeply and then peppered my face with kisses. "I love you. God, I love you so much," he said between a kiss on my forehead and a kiss on my nose.

I laughed once the initial shock had passed. "You're happy then?"

"I'm beyond happy. You're having a baby. My baby," he answered with the biggest grin I'd ever seen on his face. 

His large body moved down mine and planted a big long kiss below my navel. "Hello, in there! It's your dad!"

I laughed again. "Bucky, it doesn't even have ears yet."

"I don't care," he answered, coming back up to kiss me again. "I can't believe it, Sugar. I have to call Steve."

He jumped from the bed, disappearing from the room leaving me chuckling in our bed. I heard him talking loud and excited moments later.

"Hello? I've got the greatest news in the history of news! Jade is pregnant!...She just told me- Shut up Bird, of course I'm the father."

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