Chapter 9- McRonald's Meeting

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In the morning, I texted Cameron, Tianna, Francis, and Ava and I told them to meet me at McRonalds beside the office. "Chicken Sandwich for Cameron, Hot Coffee for Francis, French Fries for Carly, Hot Fudge Sundae for Ava, Double Caramel Sundae for Tianna, and one Big N' Tasty for me" Derek said, oh that appetite of his. We sat down at the table close to the window. "So, um, as you probably know by now, we saved Tianna from death" Derek told them "But unfortunately we couldn't save Jaclyn from dying. Her head was burned and she was poisoned by some fire extinguisher" I said, eating a french fry. "Now that we've saved Tianna, we decided to tell you the order of deaths, Cameron, you're next, then it's you Francis, then Ava, and then Derek, and then me." I said. "We don't know where Tianna goes in the order, though. Or whether she dies or not, but she'll probably die too, at least that's what we think" I said. "Oh, no" said Tianna. "So, everybody, if you're cooperative, try to keep as protective as you can with Cameron and Tianna, Cameron's next and Tianna could die at any time." I said

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