Go My Own Way....(BBB Klaine)

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This is My first Try on a Bad boy Blaine Story and i hope you all like it this is a story i plane to take slow an ask for help .. so please help give Ideas and comment leave feed back please



Blaine Anderson just moved to Lima with his Dad and his Step Mother He had 3 things he stuck to

1) Be a Bad Ass

2) suck, fuck and run

3) never fall for the boy

and now he added a new one to his list

4) Stand up for Gays ... but Stay Bad Ass

Kurt Hummel was a singer, writer, dancer, and head Cheerleader he himself had 4 Steps he stuck to

1) Stay in the closet keep a girlfriend

2) Don't fall for any guy

3) Save First Real Kiss

4) Sleep with a girl this year... or I'll regret this


Little did the two know, when Blaine has to go to Kurt's school all hell will break loose and Rules will be Broken and who knows who will get hurt.

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