Devil's Doing

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Someone came running towards the Madrigal house.

"S...someone's been murdered!" They claimed in fear. Other screams and shouts could be heard throughout the village.

"Murder!?" Eric repeated. Camilo ran and got the rest of his family members, especially Abuela. Abuela quickly ran towards the scene before the rest of her family members to see the dead man with his heart out of his own body.

"Oh my! No one can see this!" Abuela said. She looked as Eric arrived next. "Tell my family to not come any closer!" Eric gave a nod as he went and warned the others about the bloody scene. Camilo couldn't resist and took a peek as he had seen the man as well. Eric covered his eyes, but he was too late. Camilo started to shake a bit and covered his mouth in shock. Abuela was also shaking as she couldn't bear to see an innocent man get killed.

"Please, she said for you all to stay far. I need to go check on her," Eric claimed. "I've seen many scenarios like this. I will try to calm her down," he walked back to Abuela and let her hold onto his arm as she was feeling very weak. Eric gently pat her arm.

"H..H...How could this happen!?" Abuela questioned looking away. Eric looked down at the body and gave a small smirk. The smirk disappeared as soon as Abuela looked up, not catching his face.

"I...It could be because of that demon," Eric claimed.

"D..Demon? The devil in that cave!?" Abuela asked. "How could that happen?!"

"The demon could be mad that he hasn't gotten his female yet. So he came when no one was looking and took this man's life," Eric answered then sighed. "What a cruel man. How dare he do that! Isn't he such a selfish and evil person?"

"P..Person!? He's a creature! He is NOT a person at all!" Abuela shouted with a tone of anger. "We must give him his offering or else this could carry on!"

Eric glanced around and could identify the man's wife and daughter crying, holding onto each other. Eric noticed the daughter was quite beautiful.

"I will go check in on the family," Eric said walking towards the two women and bowed. "I'm so sorry for your loss," he explained that it was the demon's doing again.

"My father didn't deserve this!" The daughter said, breaking down as Eric went in and gave her a hug.

Her blood smells quite delicious. I'll have to feed on her for my next meal. Eric thought.

Eric gave rubbed her back then let go and gave the mother a hug as well.

"I will make sure to find a way to stop this demon's evil actions even if it takes me my whole life," Eric claimed as the two nodded and thanked him graciously for his effort. "We will make sure to give him a proper funeral,'

Camilo rushed towards Eric.

"W-What happened to him!?" Camilo asked Eric re-explained himself again. "The demon?"

Eric gave a nod.

"How could he be so heartless? I'm not that surprised as demon's would probably never show any emotion towards us," Eric stated looking down at Camilo then rubbed his head. "I'll make sure to get to the bottom of this. I'd rather not choose to do something bad as killing him, but I'll have to do what I have to do,"

"Thank you for coming here again," Camilo said with a smile. "You've helped me calm down a bit,"

"Please make sure that the rest of your family doesn't seen the scene," Eric said glancing over and see some towns people had lifted the man away, covering him up with a blanket. "Camilo? Do you want to spend some time together? I'll help remove some of your worries,"

Encanto AGED UP Camilo Madrigal x Male OC Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu