Night Watcher

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"You shouldn't go up to the mountains all by yourself! It was getting dark! What if something would've happened to you? Your mother was so worried that she's caused up a thunderstorm over her." Eric said as they headed back towards Camilo's house. Camilo held onto the given fish and was distracted by it while Eric was giving him a small lecture on their way back. Camilo couldn't get the thought of the demon out of his mind because of how different he was. He was very kind and very cautious of Camilo. He even made sure that he was in a comfortable bed when he had passed out as well as cooking him fish.

He knew that he had to go see the demon again.

He had to find another way.

He knew that he had to find another way to see him.

When Camilo had entered back. Casita gave a gentle smack to Camilo's back with the door for going out. Eric had already snitched out where Camilo had went when all the family members came back. Camilo's parents ran over and gave him a tight hug.

"Mama, Papa, you really didn't need to worry. I'm 20 now. I'll be alright if I go out on my ow-"

Pepa gave a little punch towards Camilo's shoulder.

"You know how dangerous outside of the Encanto is! We would all worry for you if something had happened or worse! What if you hadn't come back!?"

Camilo embraced his mother tightly.

"I'll be careful, mama. I promise you that I will." Camilo stated. "I was only fishing and look! I even learned how to start a fire! It turned out so well!" he pulled out the wrapped fish. Antonio covered his animals eyes.

"I promise he wouldn't do that to you guys!" Antonio claimed. Camilo laughed and rubbed his little brother's head. Camilo made his way towards his room until someone called him.

"Camilo! Someone from the village had requested that they need you before you go to your room again!" Abuela claimed. Camilo flashed his fake smile and gave a nod to yet again do another task. Where someone needs him to transform to whoever they want, but not because they actually need his true self. When he had finished his task, he started to walk toward his house then slowly turned his head to look at the cracked mountain again. Camilo rubbed his chin a bit then started to make his way towards the mountains. He knew that he couldn't say anything or else his sister would've heard what his plan would be, although she should be in her room by now. Camilo jumped through the ground and ran passed the split mountain and towards the cave again. The light from the small campfire in the cave was reflected on the wall.

"Demon!" Camilo shouted, running into the cave. He walked in to see the demon wrapping up a little bird's broken leg. The demon turned around.

"W-What are you doing here!?" the demon said in shock. "Why'd you come back?! You need to go back to your family or else you might be in danger!" he walked past Camilo and placed the bird into a nest and walked back to his cave.

"I just couldn't stop thinking about you and wanted to come back to talk to you more! Besides! How am I going to be in danger!? I'll be alright." Camilo responded.

"You should really go back or else your village would kill me! You're with another being that shouldn't even technically be alive!"

Camilo placed his hands on his hips and walked closer towards him. The demon noticed and walked back.

"W-What are you doing? Don't get close!" the demon said as his back hit aganist the wall. Camilo looked up to his face as the demon's face was flushed with a pink tone.

"As long as we don't get caught then it should be alright!" Camilo happily said. "I want to get to know you more, can't I!?"

The demon moved away from Camilo and walked away.

Encanto AGED UP Camilo Madrigal x Male OC Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt