- Chapter 6 -

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TW THERES LOADS WTF  - COMING OUT - KICKED OUT - TRANSPHOBIA - ARGUING - PANIC ATTACK - F SLUR MENTIONED - (I'm trans and not straight myself, I wouldn't add it if I was a cis female <3)

My alarm went off the next morning exactly on time. I groaned from the lack of sleep I'd gotten that night, and rolled out of bed to get dressed. (You can wear whatever you want, just make it comfortable)

After I finally managed to get dressed and brush my hair, I went downstairs. Wilbur was meant to get here at 9. If I came out to them at 8:50 I think I'd be ok. Eret wanted to be on the call when I did it. I was insanely nervous, I wanted to just back out of it, but I knew I couldn't I had to tell them.

My parents were both sitting in the living room, they greeted me as I walked in, I walked past them with a fake smile as I walked into the kitchen to make cereal, and brought that up to my room. I slowly started eating, I didn't know how much of it I would eat, considering I was incredibly scared by this point. The Americans had flown over yesterday, and had been staying in the airbnb already, so I didn't have to worry about waking anybody up when I rang them, now everybody was ready to get together.

I eventually finished eating and watched Wilbur's videos for a while. He was funny, and he comforted me and made me feel happy. He and Eret were my two escapes from the world when I needed them, we'd been calling a lot this past week leading up to today, and I couldn't be happier.

I also scrolled through Discord. It was mostly everybody planning when to collect people or when people should arrive. That didn't concern me as I had plans with Wilbur. Hopefully they worked, I didn't know what I'd do if they didn't. Although his house did look different on call today.. has Eret and him moved already? I glanced at the time.


I decided to tell them a little earlier. I'd informed Wilbur of this already and he was running early. He would be here by 8:50 instead of 9am. Thats twenty minutes. I called Eret and she picked up immediately.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, Wilbur's on his way now. I'm at the bnb already, so I'll be here when you walk in." I sighed worriedly.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get this over with. I'll be back" I said, calmly but I was shaking really badly. I saw Eret nod, I was calling through my phone, he just had his camera on. I slowly headed downstairs and found my parents sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Guys?" I said, my voice was tiny. They looked at me questionably.

"Yes d/n?"

"I- uh.. I know exactly what's going to happen when I tell you this. I don't care. I just want to be seen as who I am. I'm a boy, my name is y/n, and you have a son now.. I use he/they pronouns. I'm not apologising."

They were silent. Then my mum started crying. So did I, but I hid it, though I'm sure they still noticed. I had my phone in my pocked, Eret was muted, I wasn't.

"I don't know what to do with you d/n. You've disappointed us greatly. We thought we had 2 innocent children who wouldn't get caught up in this trans nonsense. But here we are. Both of our children turning into gremlins. You know what?" My dad ranted, getting up and coming over to me. I flinched backwards. My mother still sitting on the couch, saying nothing except how she was disgusted with me.

"Go upstairs until your friend's dad arrives, after this trip don't you dare think about coming back to this house again. You're not our child anymore and I don't want to be seen as a parent to such a disgusting animal, get upstairs. Now."

I started crying my eyes out as I ran upstairs and collected my bags, I'd rather wait outside, Wilbur would be here in five minutes anyway. I grabbed my stuff and snuck out the backdoor and round the front, occasionally responding to Eret's concern.

I finally made it out front, sat down on the steps and cried as quietly as I could.

"Y/n please talk to me. Wilbur's 2 minutes away. He's gonna look after you until you get here, I promise." I sniffed and nodded. "This sucks, why was I born as something I'm not" I said frustratedly , kicking a pebble in front of me. "Hey calm down, you're okay" Eret replied, I presumed they were messaging Wilbur about my current state so he wouldn't expect a cheerful child when he arrived. Not that he would expect that anyway.

"y/n, Wilbur's at the end of the road, okay?"


As Wilbur pulled up he instantly got out and hugged me. I cried harder and he didn't move. We looked like idiots hugging infront of my..house. Eventually it was too much and my dad came out. I panicked and started messaging Eret to make it look like I was 'occupied'.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm her friend's father. Why is she such a mess?"

"Apparently SHES a boy. Isn't that disgusting?" He said laughing. Wilbur's face darkened and I instantly panicked more.

"If he's a boy then why are you calling him a 'she'" Wilbur asked defensivley.

"It's revolting, take that brat away from my house, after whatever trip you have planned, don't bring her back. She's not worth anything to us if she's gay. Don't ever try get a job, they don't allow fags to get jobs you know" I looked down, I wanted the ground to just swallow me up and never let me back out. As my dad went back inside Eret sent me a paragraph on how I was going to be alright and I was safe with Wilbur now. I knew as soon as I got to the airbnb I'd start crying again when I saw them.

Wilbur was pissed. I could tell. However he treated me like I was glass. I sensed myself panicking as he picked my bags up and brought them to the car. Everything started setting in on what just happened. I trapped my head between my knees and cried. My breathing became unsteady and I couldn't see. Wilbur picked me up and put me in the back of his car so he could sit with me, he closed the doors so no one could see in as it had reflective windows. He sat next to me and held me, drawing small shapes on the back of my hand and told me to breathe.

"You're not going back in there ever again, they can't hurt you. Calm down, you're going to be fine. I wouldn't hurt you, ever"

I trusted him, and my breathing slowly steadied out, Wilbur placed my bags on the floor as we moved into the front seats. The ride down to Brighton was long, and I was tired from crying. After protesting against Wilbur for about 10 minutes, and his reassurance I could go to sleep if I wanted, I did eventually fall asleep.

That's not me..this is me.. / Captain Puffy x !ftm ocWhere stories live. Discover now