Chapter 1: Can You See Me?

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Chapter 1

Can You See Me

I was sitting all alone in the darkness. Far, far away from my real home. Waiting for him to come back to get me. I knew he would. I would trust him forever and a day.

I sighed, my legs dangling from the tip of the platform; the bright, colourful lights flashing in my eyes, trying to convince me to come to each and every one of them. I started thinking of him and sighed. Brushing myself off I stoop up, thinking that it was hopeless me waiting here for him to return. I was many light years away from home. In a different galaxy, you could even say. I looked at my watch changing date, it read 12:00 the 17th of March, six days since he left me here without a word of when he would come back and collect me. Despite that I knew he would come back as he always did, I couldn't help the fear and doubt in the pit of my mind that he had left, me forever in an unknown galaxy far away. I started to walk back to the inn I was staying in when I heard a noise, a queasy sort of wheezing sound, too familiar to miss. My face lit up with joy and I started looking around in glee, hoping with every bone in my body he had come back to take me with him again. My eyes led to an old shop closing up, a false alarm. It was only the sound of the shopkeeper closing up their rusty old antique store. A tear fell down my cheek from the false hope. Self-consciously I put my hand up to my face to make sure nobody saw me crying. I ran back to the inn.

'Room number 238' I called out to the inn owner who was asking for clarification that I wasn't trying to get a free room. I strolled up to my room, tears coming dangerously close to falling out of my eye again. I couldn't cry. Not here. Not now. I had to be brave, he had left me here for a reason. I swiped my keycard in the door, I heard the successful sound of the 'ding' from the magnetic reader. I walked over to the bed and started to cry, I was left here all alone. I was homesick and scared. I sob escaped my mouth. I missed him. I missed the Doctor. I cried for home. For my mother. For Mickey. For the Doctor. I was alone on an unknown planet, with unknown aliens and food. I changed into my pajamas and curled up under the covers of the cheap bed. I wouldn't get much sleep that night.

The sound of distant yelling awoke me from my light sleep. The sound made the hair on my body stand on end. The yelling sounded frightened and raw. I slowly walked out of my inn room in my ratty old pajamas into the foyer, I needed to see what all the commotion was about. Fear started washing over me like a wave, the sound of pure fear was deafening and getting louder as I continued to walk down the foyer. I looked around. Room 213 the door read, the sound of the people was deafening now, I turned the corner and in disbelief, I covered m eyes. On the floor lay a body, lifeless and seemingly torn apart. The body was mangled and almost unrecognizable from what it was before. 'What is going on?' I said to the closest being around. 'A monster,' the being said in its thick accent, 'it came. I couldn't stop it.' The being's big blue eyes were full of fear, the kind of fear you feel when you know you are about to lose someone you love, but there is nothing you can do about it. I understood the being's emotions, it reminded me of my father, when I had seen him a few years ago. I knew his death was impending but I didn't know how to stop it. 'How big was it?' Was all I could ask. The being used their hand to show how big it was. It was no bigger than a small dog, how could it cause all this damage? What I need right now is the Doctor I thought. He would know what to do. Another scream could be heard in the distance, most likely another mangled body from whatever this creature is. 

What was I to do? The only thing I could. Wish. Wish I was home. Not here. Wherever I was. Wish that he would come back for me right now. I couldn't wait. This planet couldn't wait. Where was he? If the Doctor didn't come soon I would die or worse the whole planet would. The creature was strong, but I hoped my faith in the doctor was stronger. 

I needed him to come back. Not just for me, but it now seemed this planet I was on, wherever I was, was in danger. How could I reach him? He doesn't have a cell phone. I don't have telekinetic powers. How could I expect to find him? Hell, I didn't even know why he left me here or where in hell I was. People were going missing by the minute, torn apart and left by whatever this creature was and the Doctor was nowhere to be seen. I started to run. An escape from the unreal reality I found myself in. I didn't stop running. I passed stores selling fruit and stores selling exotic chairs, stores selling straight bananas, houses, and buildings. I. cannot. stop. I reminded myself. He left you here. Alone. Far, far away from home. You should hate him. You are in danger. You can't save this planet. You are nothing but a weak, defenseless human. My thoughts pounded through my skull, and I wanted to stop, but I couldn't stop. I had to keep running. 


I just wanted to say this is the first thing I have written on here and there may not be regular updates due to my school and such. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'A World in the Dark'. And yes it is in Rose's perspective. The Doctor has gone off to somewhere gar too dangerous for any human being so he left Rose on the planet of Aimia. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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