10- Lilligant

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"And Adaman... he threatened his life getting something for Eevee. Sure, when we met, he seemed a bit stuck up. But I do understand it was him following his beliefs. But right now... as I said, he risked his life. I still feel bad about it, but he's comforted me that he's fine. And he even made this bracelet. I showed him something I enjoy and even if it didn't benefit him, he made it..." She smiled and I stared.

So both of us? God, why can't I be the only one to feel this way to her?

I sighed and knocked. "Mai? (Y/n)? Can I come in?" (Y/n) jumped and blushed as Mai smiled.

"Oh? Come in Adaman." She smiled and (Y/n) didn't want to look. She was embarrassed and I acted confused. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" "O-Oh we were just talking a bit." She was nervous and Mai smiled. "Just teased her a bit. Anyways, what's wrong Adaman?" "Well, Lilligant is concerned with you dancing. So I wanted to see."

She looked at me and smiled. "Oh, I can go to her after the two are healed." She smiled and I nodded.

"Right. How are Eevee and Flareon?" "They'll be fine. Just some minor cuts at the worst." They nodded and smiled. They were happy and walked with her when they were healed. Mai smiled and spoke.

"Good to see you safe." She smiled and I nodded. We walked out and Lilligant looked. She walked to her and was worried. She smiled and spoke.

"Please don't worry Lilligant. I'm actually not too upset with dancing. When it was with you that is." Lilligant still stared and she smiled. "It's okay Lilligant. I probably won't want to dance again, unless I had to get you out of a frenzy again. But I doubt that'll happen." She nodded and smiled a bit. She smiled too and Mai smiled.

"I'll try my best to protect you even more." Lilligant smiled and nodded. She smiled and I walked next to (Y/n). "Hey (Y/n). What was she teasing you about?" She blushed and tensed.

"O-Oh! Um... n-nothing important!" She smiled and Eevee smiled. Leafeon jumped to her and she smiled. He cheered and jumped to her. She was surprised and smiled soon. She caught him and smiled.

"Good to see you too Leafeon." He smiled and was confused. He spoke and I looked. "Leafeon?" He was confused with their injuries and she smiled.

"Oh, we calmed Lilligant. They got hurt in the process." He nodded and Eevee spoke. She was a bit sad still and I pet her. "You did good still." She looked and smiled a bit. Flareon smiled too and spoke. Leafeon nodded and the three spoke. I smiled and watched them go. I smiled as the three cheered and went a bit away. (Y/n) smiled when she saw where the other two were. Shinx and Buizel smiled as Lilligant was showing them how she danced.

"Hmm... We should go back to Kamado tomorrow." "Yeah. Sounds good to me." I smiled and she nodded. "You'll come back with us?" "Well I do need to report it to Kamado. Don't I?" I asked N and we slightly glared at each other. Our Pokémon saw us together and ran to us. They smiled and got ready. I smirked and Lilligant soon walked back here. She tugged on (Y/n)'s sleeve and she looked.

"Lilligant?" She held the diamond and both were surprised. Eevee checked her bag and she checked her pockets before both sighed. "Can't believe I didn't notice that... Thanks Lilligant." She smiled and nodded. She was dancing for everyone again and (Y/n) smiled.

"It's good to see how Lilligant makes everyone happy." She smiled and N spoke. "Huh?" "I mean, they're all happy watching her dance and having her back. I... can't ever be like that..." She mumbled, regret and pain in her voice as it got weaker each word. She was looking down as she gripped her shirt's hem and shook, crying a bit. We both panicked and N got in front of her. He knelt down and spoke.

"Hey, come on. That's not true. You're still amazing at other things but you just don't like what you're forced to do." "Yeah, and besides, your Pokémon are happy to have you back whenever you get hurt..." I mumbled and she looked. She blushed and stared.

"Huh? But... everyone in my world only wants to see me dancing..." "Come on, I'm sure they'd understand your change in career. Besides, I'm sure there's at least some people who see you aren't happy." He smiled and I stared, concerned with making her happy right now. She was trying to force herself to cheer up but couldn't as she cried a bit. She looked down and held her elbows.

"(Y/n), look at us please." She looked up and we smiled. We wiped her tears and smiled. "I know that if we manage to find a way to get you home, we won't see each other anymore. But no matter what, if it makes you happy, we're happy." I smiled and she blushed as she stared. "Exactly. No matter what world, we'll want to know you're happy. And we'll always cheer you on in whatever makes you happy." She stared and cried a bit more. She smiled though and wiped her tears.

"Thanks... Sorry, I didn't mean to make you both comfort me. That just slipped..." "Hey, it's alright. You can tell us anything you need to. We'll always be there for you." N smiled and I nodded. Murata noticed we were standing around (Y/n) and walked here.

"What's wrong here?" "Hm? Oh, nothing. We were just comforting her." I smiled and she nodded. "Yeah... I accidentally let the normal insecurity slip..." "Ah, I see. Don't worry. They aren't here so they can't control you. You can do whatever you want here." She nodded and smiled. "Yeah... they comforted me with that too." He nodded and ruffled her hair. She glared and spoke.

"Murata..." She grumbled and he smirked. "What?" He smirked and they yelled in their language as she chased him into the bogland. I sighed and mumbled.

"Well... She seems fine now at least." I smiled and he nodded. "We both have to love her..." He mumbled and I nodded. "And she loves us both too..." I mumbled and he looked. "As much as I'd like to lie, I know you'd be determined to get her to like you. But, I... may or may not have... spied on her conversation with my sister. Basically said she loves us both too." He looked and sighed.

Worldly Love (N x Reader x Adaman)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu